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专念于太阳,便可获得宇宙空间的知识。By making samyama on the sun, one gains knowledge of the cosmic spaces.

专念于心脏,便可获得有关心内容的知识。By making samyama on the heart, one gains knowledge of the contents of the mind.

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专念于北极星,便可获得星系运行的知识。By making samyama on the polestar, one gains knowledge of the motions of the stars.

专念于阿特曼的独立性,便得到阿特曼的知识。By making samyama on the independence of the Atman, one gains knowledge of the Atman.

32专念于胸腔中的管道,便可绝对静止。By making samyama on the tube within the chest, one acquires absolute motionlessness.

专念于以前的意识波动,可获得前生的知识。By making samyama on previous thought-waves, one obtains knowledge of one's past lives.

专念于这三种变化,可获得过去和未来的知识。By making samyama on the three kinds of changes, one obtains knowledge of past and the future.

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专念于友谊、慈悲等等,便可发展这些品质的力量。By making samyama on friendliness, compassion, etc. , one develops the power of these qualities.

专念于内在之光,便可获得细微、隐秘或遥远之物的知识。By making samyama on the Inner Light one obtains knowledge of what is subtle, hidden, or far distant.

专念于刹那以及刹那在时间中的连续,便能获得分辨的知识。By making samyama on single moments and on their sequence in time, one gains discriminative knowledge.

专念于耳朵与以太的关系,可获得超自然的听力。By making samyama on the relation between the ear and the ether, one obtains supernatural powers of hearing.

专念于他人身体上特殊的标记,可认知他人的心的本质。By making samyama on the distinguishing marks of another man's body, one obtains knowledge of the nature of his mind.

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专念于身体于以太的关系,或冥想棉花的轻盈,瑜伽师可以在空中飞行。By making samyama on the relation between the body and the ether, or by acquiring through meditation the lightness of cotton fibre, the yogi can fly through the air.