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你们知道我们是凭发卖货样发卖茶叶的。You know we delude our tea according to our samples.

住在美国麻州安多佛的自由作家。Cathryn M. Delude is a freelance writer based in Andover, Mass.

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错误与真理毗邻而居,所以会迷惑我们。Mistakes live in the neighbourhood of truth and therefore delude us.

所以我要哄骗你,把自己想成是。Linda And so I'm going to delude you into thinking that you're Linda.

自古有多少英雄为情所惑,为情所困。Have from thou how much hero is delude by feeling, is trap by feeling.

报纸自欺欺人认为读者除了自己的报纸之外不会读其他东西。Newspapers delude themselves into thinking that readers read nothing else.

是因为年少的疯狂才爱着如痴如醉,还是爱上了等待的感觉?Because the young crazy to love delude one to folly, or love the feeling of waiting?

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政府和个人认为他们能改变什么,其实都是在自欺欺人。Governments and citizens delude themselves when they think they can make a difference.

那些靠幻想成功欺骗了自己的人们往往比其他人生活得更幸福。And the people who successfully delude themselves seem happier than the people who can’t.

但不要自欺欺人的以为仅凭期末考试就可以解决问题。But let’s not delude ourselves into thinking that final examinations will solve the problem.

但她也提醒他们不要自欺欺人地认为争取平等的战斗已经结束了。But she cautioned them not to delude themselves into thinking the fight for equality is over

都是少男少女,正是懵懂的时节,对于爱情充满着迤逦的想象,如梦如幻,如痴如醉。Are teenagers, is the silly season, for love is full of Yili imagination, dreamlike, delude one to folly.

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我们虽然都是很好的朋友,但是如果我们自己欺骗自己,硬说我们在一切问题上都取得了完全一致的看法,那也是空谈。Although we were all great friends it would be idle for us to delude ourselves that we saw eye to eye on all matters.

每当我自欺欺人地认为一个件事情或者一个生意上的难题会奇迹般地解决时,她的话立即让我看清现实。Whenever I try to delude myself that a deal or business problem will miraculously improve, her words set me straight.

许多伪创业者们在认识都在自我欺骗,他们往往认为创业者所谓的自信就是过度自负。Many non-entrepreneurs delude themselves into believing that self-confidence should translate into an over-bearing ego.

我们不能觉得一切想当然,并且我们不能被眼前使人误入歧途的一切所迷惑。We can't take anything for granted and we shouldn't delude ourselves by indications, which could be completely misleading.

大部分的人倾向于欺骗自己,认为自由来自做自己感觉好的或增加舒适或悠闲的事情。Most people tend to delude themselves into thinking that freedom comes from doing what feels good or what foster comfort and ease.

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在转会市场上,我不想让我显得很冲动,但是在最后的签字之前,我不想欺骗球迷。In the market I don't want to let myself go to easy enthusiasms, but before there is the signature I don't want to delude the fans.

本研究证明了人们通过不诚实行为获利,但通过诚实行为欺骗自己是诚实的人。This research shows that people behave dishonestly enough to profit but honestly enough to delude themselves of their own integrity.

我生来畸形,我怎能自欺,竟以为知识和智能可以在年轻站娘的心目中掩盖肉体的缺陷!Misshapen from my birth-hour, how could I delude myself with the idea that intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girl's fantasy!