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我用渗滤法煮咖啡。I'll percolate some coffee.

把新词铭记于心。Let new words percolate in your mind.

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雨水渗入土中。The rain will percolate through the soil.

沥滤从……中洗去或滤去可溶性物质收藏。To wash or percolate the soluble matter from.

我去用过滤法煮些咖啡。I 'll percolate some coffee, ie make it by percolating.

阿水池可以捕获大量的降雨,并允许它自然渗透。A sump can catch large amounts of rain and allow it to naturally percolate.

在冥想中,我们让这种和谐渗透到存在的每一个层次。In meditation, we allow this harmony to percolate to every layer of our existence.

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可以是非常不同的过滤生产在同一填埋场关闭后。Can be very different from percolate production at the same landfill after closure.

类型映射的解析将贯穿链直到找到一个匹配的。The resolution of type mappings will percolate up the chain until a match is found.

我们的情感漂浮在浸透了我们全身的由激素和肽组成的汤里。Our emotions swim in a soup of hormones and peptides that percolate through our whole body.

对瘦身鞋性能的失望已经开始在世界更广的范围内蔓延。Disappointment with the performance of toning shoes has begun to percolate into the wider world.

柔和、白色的钙华塔形成于淡水泉从湖底渗透出来的地方。The delicate white tufa towers formed where freshwater springs percolate up from the bottom of the lake.

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结果乙醇浓度、乙醇用量、渗漉速度均对三七提取工艺有显著影响。Results The percolate rate, concentration and quantity of alcohol had significant effects on the process.

链霉素是从放线菌属中的灰色链霉菌的培养滤液中提制的氨基环醇类抗生素。Streptomycin is one kind of Aminocyclitols antibiotic abstracted from the percolate of the S. griseus fermentation.

通过这种方式,百分比最高的投资分配将一直出现在表的顶部。In this manner, the investment allocation with the highest percentage will always "percolate" to the top of the table.

与此同时,他们期望一个类似于PC工业的更加开放的开发文化,借此滤取诸多创业期公司的开发理念。Along with that, they want a more open development culture similar to that of the PC industry, in which ideas percolate up from many small startups.

以反渗透处理技术为例,重点介绍了膜处理技术在城市垃圾渗滤液处理中的应用。With reverse osmosis technology as an example , the application of membrane technology in the treatment of urban garbage percolate is introduced emphatically.

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修复后土壤重金属含量以及通过反应墙渗滤液的水质符合相应的国家标准。The heavy metal content of the remediated soil and the water quality of the percolate passing through the reactive barrier meet the corresponding national standard.

将YY-5接种于生活污水、工业废水、食品加工废水以及垃圾渗滤液中,检验其在实际污水中脱氮效果。Nitrogen removal ability of Acinetobacter sp. YY-5 was evaluated in the domestic sewage N chemical industrial wastewater. food industrial wastewater and garbage percolate.

结果表明,所合成阳离子聚合物与无机破胶剂配伍使用可以保证滤出液具有较好的透明性,且具有良好的协同增效作用。The result shows that the jointed application of cation polymer with inorganic gel breaker can ensure that percolate possess good transparency , and can achieve good efficiency.