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用大蒜裹住海虾。Coat prawns with garlic.

每盘菜都得有大蒜才行。Every dish needs garlic.

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他吃不来生蒜。He doesn't eat raw garlic.

这汤有大蒜味。The soup smells of garlic.

他满口蒜味。His breath reeked of garlic.

这道菜有大蒜味道。This dish savours of garlic.

这色拉有大蒜味。This salad tastes of garlic.

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剁碎蒜头及姜。Chop garlic and ginger finely.

牛油和蒜蓉调匀。Mix butter with minced garlic.

她讨厌吃蒜。She revolts from eating garlic.

最终我还是得到了蒜薹。Finally, I got ten garlic stems.

这些家伙给了我蒜薹。These guys gave me garlic stems.

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夏天蒜苗成长。And grow garlic greens in summer.

我吃出那盘肉里有大蒜的味道。I tasted garlic in the meat dish.

姜是老的辣,蒜是大的香!Older and wiser, garlic is great!

嫩煎洋葱和大蒜,一直到软了才停止。Saute onion and garlic until soft.

除了大蒜你还在烧什么?。What besides garlic are you cooking?

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鱼里加点大蒜,味道会更好一点。A little garlic will zip up the fish.

大蒜你作为治疗物历史悠久Garlic has a long history as a healer

好端端的大蒜粒咋烂掉霉变了?Hey ye rotten mold of garlic tablets?