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这是一个主要的陷阱。This is a major pitfall.

这一缺陷花费了我们一年时间。This pitfall cost us one year.

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对大多数开发人员来说,该陷阱会引起困惑。This pitfall causes a quandary for most developers.

这令我想到了另一个我经常碰到的主要陷阱。Which brings me to another major pitfall I frequently encounter.

但是你可以尽可能地尝试一下,每一种分手的方式里都有其本身的诱惑。But try as you might, each method of breaking up has its pitfall.

通过遵循本文给出的方法可以避免这个失误。Follow the approach outlined in this article to avoid this pitfall.

长远的眼光和积极的方式能助你避免跳入这种陷阱。Your vision, and a proactive approach, can help you avoid this pitfall.

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如果事实如此,中国也许能避免高傲自大的缺点。If that is the case, China might be able to avoid the pitfall of hubris.

历史上,68算法语言来说这是一个好样的历史陷阱。Historically, Algol 68 is a good historic example for this kind of pitfall.

另一个要避免的缺陷就是为每一位用户都分别创建一个资产注册。Another pitfall to avoid is creating a separate asset registry for every user.

一个相关的陷阱是在这个用例中将需求和设计混淆在一起。A related pitfall is the mixing of requirements and design within the use case.

要避免这种遗憾就得用分类,提要或者符号列表的方式来做记录。Avoid this pitfall by taking notes with categories, headlines, or bulleted lists.

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代码审查的第二个易犯的毛病是,人们觉得有压力,感觉非要说点什么才好。The second major pitfall of review is that people feel obligated to say something.

除非您进行充分的单元测试,否则有时候很难发现这个陷阱。Unless you are doing full unit testing, this pitfall is sometimes hard to discover.

在此领域最常见的失误是采用点到点调用。The most common pitfall in this area is to employ point-to-point service invocation.

在你未来的“十年命运”中,你面临的第四个陷阱是灰心丧气和迟延不前。The fourth pitfall you will face during your Decade of Destiny is discouraging delays.

挽救公司危亡时常见的另一个错误是将公司的困境归咎于外因。Blaming outside sources for your company's problems is another common turnaround pitfall.

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让IT人员或者程序员担任产品负责人,这是另外一个常见的陷阱。Another common pitfall is having an IT or development member filling the Product Owner role.

此外,美国前国会议员安东尼•韦纳近期的丑闻也是一个很好的例子。Former U.S. congressman Anthony Weiner's recent scandal is another example of the same pitfall.

只和一家风投公司合作有一个很明显的陷阱——如果你感情用事你就完了。There is an obvious pitfall to working with just one VC – if you fall out of love you’re screwed.