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这就是我们的蒙难之夜。These are our nights of Gethsemane.

感谢主,祢为了我们黑暗的客西马尼。We thank Thee for our dark Gethsemane.

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我们甚至可以说,祂在客西马尼园向耶稣说“不”。We could say He said no to Christ in Gethsemane.

我们会用两天时间来看客西马尼园发生的事。We will spend two days in the Garden of Gethsemane.

我以耶稣在客西马尼园的夜晚,作为在难关中祷告的典范。As a template for prayers in crisis, I look at Jesus' night in Gethsemane.

在他被逮捕之前,他在客西马尼园里有一段痛苦的时光。Before his arrest, he had those agonizing moments in the Garden of Gethsemane.

在客西马尼园里,十一个门徒里面,有八个被留在后面不做甚么。In the Garden of Gethsemane eight of the eleven disciples were left to do nothing.

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在客西马尼园中,有一个年青人躲在树后面,他正在密切注视事情的发展。Behind some trees in the garden of Gethsemane a young man kept his eyes on the action.

经文没有告诉我们,耶稣在步往客西马尼园的途中,究竟在哪儿停下了脚步,为我们作出了这个祷告。We are not told where it was that Jesus stopped on the way to Gethsemane and prayed this prayer.

在客西马利园这一幕后,犹大似乎再没有出场,但他之后的举动却尽人皆知。It seems Judas faded out of the picture after Gethsemane but his subsequent actions are well known.

当中的黑暗色调,使观看者可以深思耶稣在客西马尼园被逮捕的景象。Created in dark hues, it allows the viewer to contemplate Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.

犹大必然知道基督吃过逾越节的晚餐后,将会到客西马尼园,也许有人提议在那里度宿一宵。Judas must have known of Christ's plan to go on to the Garden of Gethsemane after the Passover Feast.

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约翰没有详细的记载耶稣在客西马尼园的祷告和祂与门徒们的对话。John did not record the details of Jesus' prayers and his discussions with his disciples in Gethsemane.

我们觉得它们不容易理解,因为它们引领我们进到一个类似客西马利园的地方。We find them a little hard to understand because they take us into places like the Garden of Gethsemane.

耶稣在楼上与他的门徒临别讲话,然后去了客西万马尼园的园子里祷告。Jesus farewell discourse to his disciples in the upper room and on the way to the prayer spot in the garden of Gethsemane.

在华盛顿西北部的客西马尼圣约翰教堂的内,雷萨•琼斯接纳耶稣基督进入到了她的生活之中。Within the high walls of Gethsemane Baptist Church in Northwest Washington, Leisa Jones accepted Jesus Christ into her life.

就如许多在巴勒斯坦的教堂在拜占庭时期一样,革责玛尼大殿建筑的型式有三个中殿。Like so many churches in Palestine in Byzantine times, the Gethsemane building was in the form of a basilica with three aisles.

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如果我们都认同这地方最初的传统,在革择玛尼的详细事件是需要区别出来的。If we are to appreciate the primitive traditions attached to the place, it is necessary to distinguish the detail of the events in Gethsemane.

他们在城市东区的蒙难地教堂做礼拜,该地是导致了柏林墙开放的持续了数月之久的抗议活动的中心。They began with a service at the Gethsemane Church in the east of the city, a centre of protest in the months leading to the opening of the Wall.

可能最初是指那个具有油压机的地方,而后逐渐扩展到整个区域的地名。It is possible that the name " Gethsemane " was originally applied to the spot where a press stood and was then gradually given to the whole area.