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群众至上是马克思主义群众观的核心。The mass paramountcy is the core of the mass notion of Marxism.

民主的权威性和至上性有其确定的限制性条件和适用范围。The authority and paramountcy of democracy has certain limitations and conditions.

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奥古斯丁以上帝的至上性、普遍性消解了个性、人性。Augustine replaces personality and humanity with the paramountcy and universality of God.

本厂以“质量第一、信誉至上”为宗旨,热忱欢迎新老客户洽谈合作!Our tenet is "quality first, credit standing paramountcy ". Welcome to cooperate with us!

自由市场、资本主义、民主制的最高权威和公民机构,等同于机会。Free markets, capitalism, the paramountcy of democracy and civil institutions, equal opportunity.

考文借高级法为美国宪法的至上性提供了一种解说。Higher law presented by Professor Korwin accounts for the paramountcy of American constitution law.

诺齐克则认为权利至上,将罗尔斯的基本权利扩展到各种权利。Nozick believe the paramountcy of entitlement, and extend Rawls's primary entitlements to various entitlements.

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公司以“质量第一、信誉至上”的经营宗旨,欢迎国内外新老客户洽谈合作,共同发展。Our tenet is "quality first, credit standing paramountcy ". Welcome the clients at home and abroad to negotiate and cooperate.

从实证的方面来说,这一理论坚持人类的意志性行为中理性选择是最高原则,性行为就是这样的行为。On the positive side, the theory asserts the paramountcy of rational choice in volitional human behavior, which sexual behavior is.

我国公司职工民主管理立法由于受股东至上主义等立法观念的影响,在实践中导致了公司职工民主管理存在诸多问题。Industrial democracy legislation in corporations in China has many problems in practice because there are legal ideas of shareholders' paramountcy.

上海阜峰工贸有限公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。LTD will be in line with "Consumer first, Good faith paramountcy "'s principle, With many home enterprise establish long-term cooperation relation.

公司秉承质量第一、信誉至上的经营宗旨,竭诚为客户提供优质的产品和良好的服务。Company uphold the quality first, credit"standing paramountcy" as business purpose, we cordially supply quality products and good service for customers.

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公司以“质量第一,用户至上“为宗旨,产品在石油工业井控装置质量监督检验中均合格。We take "quality first, user paramountcy" as tenet, products are all eligibility at petroleum industry well control equipment quality monitoring? inspection.

中国电视娱乐节目经过十余年的发展走进了“娱乐至上”的怪圈,对“快感”的追求替代了对“美感”的追求。After ten years development, Chinese TV amusement programs also go to the odd circle of "paramountcy of fun", pursuing pleasant sensation instead of aesthetics.

针对中国的现实情境,梁启超“有选择地接受”了德国国家主义思想中的“国家有机体说”,对“国家至上说”却有所保留。In accordance with Chinese practical situation, Liang Qichao somewhat accepted the thought of Germany national organism and refused the thought of national paramountcy.

在这些戏剧文本中莎翁阐释了君主要以国家利益至上、要有随时制宜的道德准则的君主思想。And what's more, in the plays his conceptions on Monarchs who should take their nation's interests as paramountcy and should possess the moral criteria of the pragmatic are apparently presented.