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全文由绪论和四个章节构成。Cat is composed of exordium and four chapters.

论文包括绪论及十章内容。This thesis consists of the exordium and ten chapters.

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全文除绪论外,主要包括四个部分。The thesis is divided into four parts except the exordium.

他旁边有块石头。主教便在那上面坐下。他们突然开始对话。There was a stone there. The Bishop sat down. The exordium was abrupt.

本论文主要内容分为四个部分,第一部分为绪论部分。This paper can be roughly divided into four parts. Part one is exordium.

最后,介绍了本文的研究视角、方法和结构。Finally, Exordium presents the perspective, methods and structure of this paper.

绪论包括问题的提出、研究现状、研究意义以及研究方法。Exordium includes the proposition of problem, the status quo, the significance and the method of this research.

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第一部分为序论,主要介绍清水安三中国观的研究现状和研究意义。Part I is exordium , mainly introducing the status and significance of research on Yasuzo Simizu's Chinese View.

绪论主要介绍了酒店管理在酒店日常运作中的作用,以及酒店管理系统的必要性。The exordium talks about the function of the cabaret management system in the operation daily and the necessity of it.

绪论包括选题原因和新词界定方法两部分。Exordium includes mainly reasons of explanations of choosing topics and study methods in the introduction of this thesis.

其次,绪论部分是明代翻刻宋本发展简史、研究现状以及论文思路。In the next place, the section of exordium shows its brief development history, study actuality and the thought of this paper.

本文绪论首先介绍了该课题的设计背景、设计意义及相关问题的研究现状。In this paper, the exordium introduces the background, significance and the current achievement of the design on this subject.

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本文开始的绪论部分介绍了程序需解决的问题及开发背景、意义等。The exordium of this article introduced the problems which must be solved and its development background, significance and so on.

第一部分包括两章,分别是第一章绪论和第二章文献综述,提出了论文的研究背景、研究意义和研究思路。The first part includes the first chapter exordium and the second chapter literature summarize, it puts forward research background, research meaning and research route.

解决了目前基于流的网络流量测量存在的丢包严重,应用层信息缺失,生成流信息比较固定等一些问题。Many problems such as flow-based network traffic monitoring packet loss, application layer information miss and flow format fixed are resolved in the thesis. The first part of the thesis is exordium.