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我愿成为一名神枪手。I'd love to be a sharpshooter.

这个左锋是个神投手。The left forward is a sharpshooter.

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他似神枪手你的精度瞄准。He aimed with accuracy of a sharpshooter.

我不知道你的父亲还是位神枪手。I didn't know your father was a sharpshooter.

让我们不要成为俄克拉荷马州的神枪手。Let's not fall victim to the Oklahoma sharpshooter.

我们现在来讲。俄克拉何马神枪手谬误。We'll talk about the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

他们是犯了。They participated in the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

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例如,演奏管弦乐时,我就是一名神枪手。Playing orchestral music, for example, I become a sharpshooter.

阿伦是不知疲倦的神射手,皮尔斯是侧翼艺术大师,加内特是防守之王。Allen is the tireless sharpshooter. Pierce is the elbow virtuoso.

你可以确立‘神枪手’的好名声,并获得快速提升。You can build a huge reputation as a sharpshooter and move up quickly.

“你需要一个团队的努力来获得胜利,”魔术神枪手刘易斯说。You need a total team effort to win, " Magic sharpshooter Rashard Lewis said."

美国女神枪手,她是鲍福勒·比尔的西部野外演出会上的明星人物。American sharpshooter. She was the star attraction of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.

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标题为“叛军神枪手的家”的摄影展被证实已经在筹划。The image which was captioned, "The home of a rebel sharpshooter" was proved to have been staged.

他们招募美国神枪手和维克多博士帮助他们发现身边的人。They recruit an American sharpshooter and Dr. Victor Frankenstein to help them find someone close to them.

他说,劫持人质者在打伤一名警方神枪手后被一名狙击兵射中脑门而击毙。He said the hostage-taker was killed with a sniper shot to the head after he wounded a police sharpshooter.

我想讲的最后的一个谬误,可能是最常见的,它叫做德克萨斯神枪手谬误。The final sin I want to talk about is probably the most common, and it's called the Texas sharpshooter fallacy.

我想讲的最后的一个谬误,可能是最常见的,它叫做德克萨斯神枪手谬误。The final sin I want to talk about is probably the most common, and it's called the Texas sharpshooter fallacy.

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其实,冯秉堃是个“百步穿杨”的神枪手,在执行枪决时故意偏射才使焦志新有死里逃生的机会。In fact, Feng Bingkun is a "hit" sharpshooter in executed when deliberately deflection makes Jiao Zhixin have a chance.

当他在最后人中向错误的目标开枪的时候,美国射击名手只是一个珠远离一个第二奥运会的金牌圆的。The American sharpshooter was just one shot away from a second Olympic gold medal when he fired at the wrong target in the final round.

伤害结算时两个生物进坟场,精灵神射手能重置两次打两点吗?我个人认为上述两个问题的答案都是---可以。Since you get priority after each of these effects resolves, the Sharpshooter has the potential to deal 1 damage for each time it untaps.