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梅铎克坐落于波尔多北部,纪隆德和左岸。The Médoc is situated north of the town of Bordeaux, on the left bank of the Gironde.

可以说,吉伦特派就是在不断的人民运动中走过了自己短暂的历程。It can be said that Gironde goes through the course of its short-lived in constant movement.

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这个葡萄酒产区位于多尔多涅河和加伦河的河岸以及它们共同的形成的吉伦特湾河口一带。The wine region follows the banks of the rivers Dordogne and Garonne and their common mouth the Gironde.

作为政府一个长期规划项目的一部分,吉伦特河口明年有望被纳入海洋保护区范围之内。As part of a long-planned government project, the Gironde estuary is next year due to become part of a protected maritime zone.

而在革命实践中,吉伦特派将其共和主张付诸实施,缔造了法兰西第一共和国。Furthermore, the Gironde Party puts its republic opinion into practice in the revolutionary practice of founding the French Republic I.

梅多克的名字取自拉丁语中“两水之间”,表示的是吉隆特河与大西洋之间的地带。The Medoc Takes its name from the Latin phrase medio aquae-"between the waters"-referring to the Gironde estuary and the Atlantic Ocean.

这是款经过欧盟认证的有机葡萄酒,其产地哥特堡位于多尔多涅的右岸,靠近吉伦特河口。Wine made with grapes from organic farming, located in Côtes de Bourg on the right bank of the Dordogne, near the estuary of the Gironde.

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慕里斯和里斯塔克座落于离开吉隆特河的内陆位置。两者之中,里斯塔克拉有丰富的黏土,所以很适合种植梅鹿。Moulis &Listrac are located further away from the river Gironde . From the two, Listrac is richer in clay soils so more suitable for the growth of Merlot.

经过半个世纪在葡萄酒质量上的改进和葡萄园的重建,利欣酒庄于1855年的被列级为四级酒庄。After half a century of progress in the wine quality and a restructuring on the vineyard, the Prieuré Growth was promoted in 1855 to the rank of 4th classified growth of Gironde.

波尔多地区位于法国西南部,它临近大西洋,气候温和,土壤形态多,有吉伦特河流过,葡萄树在此生长最佳。Bordeaux area had been located in the France southwest part , it had been close to Atlantic Ocean , a temperate climate , the soil form had had Gironde river much, vine here growth is optimum.