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飞机什么时候出港?When does the plane depart?

弃恶从善。Depart from evil and do good.

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士兵们发炮,然后离开。The soldiers fire and depart.

是日由原居地出发,乘客机前往台北。Depart from home city to Taipei.

这架班机正点起飞吧?Does this flight depart on time?

我舍弃了其模式“,他说。I depart from their modes," he says.

现在我离开你去居住在阿蒙提。Now I depart thee to dwell in Amenti.

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我们顺势挥师北进。We depart for the north with the tide.

早餐后离开浮罗交怡前往槟城。After breakfast depart to Penang Island.

飞往罗马的班机从3号航站楼出发。Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3.

请问该次列车在哪个站发车?Which station does it depart from, please?

祸来如飞行,祸去似步行。Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot.

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船上煤以后我们就出发。We will depart as soon as the ship is coaled.

这航空公司的飞机有准时升降。The airline did depart and landing punctually.

是日由原居地出发飞往埃及首-开。Depart home city to Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

这样致意后,瓦库拉没有选择,必须离开。This bidden, Vakula had no choice but to depart.

此机可定制加高机身搅拌器,不需拆除出来。Heighten mixer body and do not need to depart it.

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是日由原居地出发飞往埃及首都-开羅。Depart from home city to Cairo – Capital of Egypt.

我误了火车,下一班车何时开?I missed the train. When does the next one depart?

早饭后出发,直接前往安博西利国家公园。After breakfast, depart for Amboseli National park.