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RLS能治么?Can RLS be treated?

他们平允地对待我们。They treated us white.

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脚气病是如何对待?How is beriberi treated?

他对她越坏。The worse he treated her.

弗兰克请我们吃饭。Frank treated us to dinner.

他待他的马很好。He treated his horses well.

睡眠呼吸暂停能治么?Can sleep apnoea be treated?

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血管瘤如何治疗?How are hemangiomas treated?

他们受到仁慈的待遇。They were treated with mercy.

有好待遇才有好表现。He did well when treated well.

蛇皮脚怎么治?How is snakeskin foot treated?

我请她吃了一个冰淇淋。I treated her to an ice-cream.

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老花眼可以治疗吗?。Presbyopic can be you treated?

她因中暑而接受治疗。She was treated for sunstroke.

血色沉着病怎样治疗呢?How is hemochromatosis treated?

如何治疗病毒性肝炎?How is viral hepatitis treated?

两者皆可以用牙套矫正。Both can be treated with braces.

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骨质增生能够治疗好吗?Can be bone hyperplasia treated?

猪丹毒怎么治疗?How is swine erysipelas treated?

放心吧,我不会亏待你的。I've never treated you unfairly.