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有人说最早的欢舞者是一个芬尼安。It's said that the first Galliard was a Fianna.

今年的早些时候,勒尼汉先生芬尼安失败党在选举中付出了惨重的代价。Mr Lenihan's Fianna Fail party paid a heavy price in elections earlier this year.

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爱尔兰是两极政党制,主要的两大党为共和党和统一党。Ireland has a bipolar political party system with two major parties, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.

共和党还没有公开其战略,但预计也要宣布巨额开支计划。And while Fianna Fáil has yet to unveil its strategy, it is also expected to announce big spending plans.

其他部族的狼人会到芬尼安来学习古代的英雄、战争的故事、学习古老的血脉传承和悲剧。Garou from other tribes come to the Fianna to learn the old stories of heroes and battles, lists of lineages and tales of tragedy.

到处都是有关丢尽颜面的银行家们如何被怒火中烧的投资人赶出酒吧,或者是共和党的候选人被狗追赶的报道。Reports abound of disgraced bankers being hounded out of pubs by burned investors, or Fianna Fail candidates having dogs set on them.

首先,连续执政12年、仅在过去22年中做了30个月的在野党的共和党早已筋疲力尽。First, after 12 uninterrupted years in power and having spent only 30 months of the past 22 years in opposition, Fianna Fail is tired.

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分析师表示,在考恩主政期间发生经济崩溃、并接受欧盟和IMF的难堪纾困之后,共和党正面临有史以来最糟糕的选举失败。Analysts say Fianna Fáil is facing its worst ever electoral defeat after Mr Cowen presided over the collapse of the economy and the humiliating bail-out by the EU and IMF.

伯蒂埃亨总理在圣诞节前向波兰社区致以简短的节日问候,这可以看作共和党赢得“新爱尔兰人”措施的一部分。Taoiseach Bertie Ahern found time shortly before Christmas to send season's greetings to the Polish community as part of a Fianna Fáil drive to win support among the "new Irish".

目前,爱尔兰共和党和绿党的执政联盟支持率持续走低,公众不仅反感其政策,还指责其糟蹋了这个国家的财富。The governing Fianna Fáil and Green party coalition is at an all time low in opinion polls as the public rejects its policies and blames is for the decline in the country’s fortunes.

主要执政党——爱尔兰共和党,在今年六月的地方及欧洲议会选举中的支持率已跌入上世纪二十年代以来最低谷。The senior partner, Fianna Fail, has haemorrhaged support, winning its lowest percentage share of a popular vote since the 1920s in the local and European Parliament elections in June.

如果考恩先生在任意一项上铩羽而归,那将会严重影响国际社会对爱尔兰经济恢复的信心——他的共和党也将在随后可能的大选中失利。If Mr Cowen fails on any of these, the knock to international confidence in Ireland's recovery would be serious—and there could well be a general election that his Fianna Fail party would lose.

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对于政治而言目前将面临灾难,爱尔兰绿党要求共和党总理布赖恩考恩在两个月举行选举,且这第二大党正在反抗政府。Politics are a looming disaster. The Green coalition partner stunned Brian Cowen's Fianna Fáil party by calling for an election within two months, and the 2 critical Independents are in revolt.