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它须为汇票全额之背书。It must be an indorsement of the entire bill.

只听到称心和如意,决不敢有所反对。And hear the indorsement of all, and do not object to it.

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为什么卸任总统要对人民的支持巧言美语?Why the outgoing President's felicitation on the indorsement?

本文第三部分探讨了背书伪造法律制度。The third part explores the legal system of indorsement forgery.

票据流通除了交付转让外,主要是通过背书转让完成的。Negotiation of bill depends mainly on indorsement besides delivery.

背书可为无记名背书或特别背书,亦可附有条件,使其成为有限制背书。An indorsement may be made in blank or special. It may also contain erms making it restrictive.

背书记载事项中不得记载的事项会对背书连续性产生影响。Thirdly, the obliteration made by holder has no influence on the successive indorsement of bill.

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詹姆斯的背书形式也会影响今后使该票据流通的努力。The form of the indorsement James uses will also affect future attempts to negotiate the instrument.

票据持有人仍有收取付款之权利,并可向该汇票之其他当事人执行其权利。The drawing or indorsement entitles the holder to receive payment of the bill, and to enforce it against any other party thereto.

凡汇票载明付款予持票人者,或票上唯一或最后之背书为无记名背书者,均属以持票人为收款人之汇票。A bill is payable to bearer which is expressed to be so payable, or on which the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in blank.

文章的第一部分是对背书定义和背书性质的分析,揭示了背书这一票据行为的特点。The first part of this article discloses the features of indorsement through the analysis of the definition and nature of indorsement.

第四和第五部分分析了特殊转让背书和非转让背书的效力。The third part lays the basis for discussion of effect of restrictive indorsement after the analysis of effect of general indorsement.

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问题不仅在于数目超过了银行发放私人贷款的最高限额,而且既无担保,又无抵押。Not only is the amount in excess of the maximum sum the bank can loan any individual legally, but it is absolutely without indorsement or security.

卸任总统在他的最后一次年度演说中,尽其可能印象深刻地对大众提到这种支援所蕴含的分量和权威性。The outgoing President, in his last annual message, as impressively as possible echoed back upon the people the weight and authority of the indorsement.

然而,这种支持是在少赢得了近四十万张选票而形成不了压倒多数的情况下获得的,因此,也许算不上是绝对可靠和令人满意的。The indorsement , however, fell short of a clear popular majority by nearly four hundred thousand votes, and so, perhaps, was not overwhelmingly reliable and satisfactory.