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这也是四十八个州冰川最多的山峰。It is also the heaviest glaciated peak in the lower 48 states.

谷口呈U型,是庐山第四纪冰川“漏斗”遗迹。The U-shaped glaciated valley witnesses of the fourth glacial stage in Lushan.

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爱丽丝和贝西发现自己在攀登意大利最高的冰峰。Alice and Bessie found themselves climbing the highest glaciated peak in Italy.

沉积模式表明,在那个时候,岩层仍旧是处在冰川作用之下的。The patterns of sedimentation show which terranes were still glaciated at that time.

这对于栖息在此的两极冰川动物来说也是遗憾之事。So is the disappearance of the creatures that inhabit these polar and glaciated regions.

在这个寒冷贫瘠的世界上,绝大部分地貌是干草原、苔原、大片冻土和冰川山脉。A mostly cold and barren world of steppes and tundra, with vast frozen regions and glaciated mountain ranges.

北部区域由呈弧线冰雪覆盖的山峰组成,最高点的气候极度寒冷。The northern region consists of an arc of glaciated mountain peaks with an extremely cold climate at the highest elevations.

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如今这里的观光业昌盛繁荣,险峻的冰峰,未经征服的荒野和丰富多彩的野生花草动物也吸引了大批的探险者前来。Today tourism booms there, drawing adventurers to the frontier's glaciated peaks, untouched wilderness, and abundant wildflowers and wildlife.

这个地区有个火山硬岩的中心核被古代的冰河雕刻成壮观的峭壁、悬崖与被冰河淹埋造成的山谷。The area has a central core of hard volcanic rocks carved by ancient glaciers into spectacular cliffs, precipices and flooded glaciated valleys.

相较之下,北半球则较长时间保持无冰状态,格陵兰和北极地区大约在320万年前才开始大面积冰封。The northern hemisphere remained relatively ice-free for longer, with Greenland and the Arctic becoming heavily glaciated only around 3.2 million years ago.

这也暗示着随着某些冰川融化,径流量逐渐减小将使岩溶作用碳汇强度降低。It also implies that the karst process-related carbon sink intensity in glaciated karst water systems will decrease if some glaciers disappear due to global warming.

该遗址为阿尔卑斯高山——包括山脉最受冰河作用的部分和欧亚大陆山脉最大的冰川——的形成提供了一个杰出的实例。The site provides an outstanding example of the formation of the High Alps, including the most glaciated part of the mountain range and the largest glacier in Eurasia.

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那些高站点海岸给那些理解形成的这重要过程买得起杰出机会使冰冻和土地举起地区的那些表面地球的。The High Coast site affords outstanding opportunities for the understanding of the important processes that formed the glaciated and land uplift areas of the Earth 's surface.

庐山东南麓第六阶地基座上,发现了早更新世冰川作用表皮构造。The glaciated surface structures of the early pleistocene were discovered in the autumn of 1984, on the sixth terrace base which is located at the southeastern piedmont of Lushan.

少女山岗是阿尔卑斯山冰蚀现象最显著的部分,有欧洲最大的冰川和一系列典型冰川地貌,如U型峡谷、冰斗、角峰及冰碛。Jungfraujoch is the most glaciated part of the Alps, containing Europe's largest glacier and a range of classic glacial features such as U-shaped valleys, cirques, horn peaks and moraines.

上周星期一下午两点二十八分当7.9级地震横扫四川的河流、山川,横扫中国这美丽的一脚时,和百万其他的中国人一样,他们的生命陷入了危机。Last Monday, when the 7.9-magnitude earthquake sent wave after wave of tremors through the river valleys and glaciated mountains of Sichuan Province, one of the most beautiful corners of China.