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这种差异的大部分是可继承的。Much of this variation is inheritable.

几次传代培养后,大多数具有遗传稳定性。Most of them had inheritable stability after several generation.

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于检查时,有甚麽遗传病需要特别注意?。Are there any inheritable deceases that require additional tests?

配额是可以或不可以转移的、继承的或交易的。Quotas may or may not be transferable, inheritable , or tradable.

植物嫁接可以导致接穗的后代中有可遗传性变异的发生。Graft can induce inheritable variations in the progenies of the scion plants.

不应该准许患有严重遗传病的残疾人生育。People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce.

这些代金券可以在本村内转让、赠予,还可以继承。These chits can be assigned and given to other people. They are also inheritable.

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这种信像可遗传的生物特徵,保证为你以及收你信的人带来利益。Like an inheritable trait, it promises benefits for you and the people you pass it on to.

我们用这些程序检验一下可继承集和允许集的效果。Let's use these programs to verify the effect of the inheritable and permitted file capabilities.

到目前为止,我们已经在允许集中设置了所需的能力,但是还没有在可继承集中设置。Until now, we have asserted the desired capabilities in the permitted set but not the inheritable set.

如果参数为真,主叫进程中的每个可以被继承的句柄都可以被新进程继承。If this parameter TRUE, each inheritable handle in the calling process is inherited by the new process.

相反,它使用根用户的特权为非根进程设置一些可继承能力。Rather it uses the privileges of the root user to set up a non-root process with some inheritable capabilities.

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根系向地性变化可由缺磷等因素所诱导,且存在著一定的遗传变异性。Root gravitropic responses are adaptive, inheritable traits induced by low phosphorus availability and other factors.

社员资格是不可转让和不可继承的。基于社团资格而发生的权利,不提交给他人行使。Membership is not assignable and not inheritable. The exercise of membership rights cannot be entrusted to another person.

通常将2型糖尿病与肥胖联系,但有几项遗传基因也与此有关。Type 2 diabetes is often associated with obesity, although several inheritable genes have also been linked to the condition.

文件可继承集决定进程的哪些可继承能力可以放在新的进程允许集中。The file inheritable set specifies which of the process's inheritable capabilities can be in the process's new permitted set.

文件可继承集中的能力可以从父进程的可继承集继承到新的允许集。The file inheritable set is the set that can be inherited from the parent process's inheritable set into its new permitted set.

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如果进程要在执行一个文件之后保留任何能力,那么这些能力必须被包含在文件的允许集或可继承集中。For a process to keep any capabilities after executing a file, the capabilities must be in the file's permitted or inheritable set.

在对杂交后代的求爱歌的频谱分析中,我们还发现频谱上的某些特点是能够遗传的。On the study of the courtship songs of hybrids, we also found that some of the characteristics on the spectral graph were inheritable.

祖父的唯一嗜好就是多忧多虑。虽然通常人们并不认为嗜好也会遗传,但我却天生就多忧多虑。My grandfather's hobby was worrying, and although hobbies are not usually thought of as being inheritable , I am a talented worrier, too.