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医生说他必须避免做任何要用劲的事。The doctor says he must avoid all exertion.

他在用力时从来没有气短过。He's never been short of breath on exertion.

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努力专注于你自己的事业和生活。Put exertion instead into your own business and life.

她虽然费尽力气,仍未能将那保险箱的锁打开。She fail to unlock the safe in spite of all her exertion.

对工作我庆祝了和他们一样的努力。I put into my job the same a mount of exertion as they do.

他的努力与决心都只是徒劳。His combined levels of determination and exertion were priceless.

所谓临场的发挥,就是在现场压力下选手的技巧能够发挥的程度。On-the-spot response is player's exertion under present pressure.

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拿我们今天的话来说,就是劳逸结合的意思。Our today's terms, is the meaning of combining exertion and rest.

反应变量包括运动性疲劳与慢性疲劳。The response variables included exertion fatigue and chronic fatigue.

第三,解除权的行使与消灭。Exertion of the right of rescission is necessary to rescind a contract.

以修削平面为主,阐述了角向磨光机在机械加工中的运用。This text introduced the exertion of angle grinder for machinery manufacture.

胳膊被人用力一拉,一个趔趄倒在明寐身上。The arm namely made one exertion a to pull, a Lie Ju pours aboard explicit Mei.

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第二章探讨海上保险代位求偿权的行使。Chapter Two researches on the exertion of subrogation right of marine insurance.

掷铁饼技术的最后用力是整个技术过程的关键环节。The final exertion is the key stage of the whole technical sequence in discus throw.

简洁明了,透明片的运用,让资料收存、取阅更轻松。Clear and simple, exertion of transparent sheets, make it easy to keep and read data.

一股暧暧的幸福流淌在体内,消除了一天的劳累。The well-being of a warm heating flowing in the body to eliminate the day's exertion.

趁此生命不息、力量尚存之际,让我们加倍努力,合力奋战吧!Let us re-double our exertion and strike with united strength while life and power remain.

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登上楼顶是一件很费力气的事情,可我体力上的付出却得到了充分的精神回报。It was hard work, but it repaid in full the mere physical exertion of climbing a few stairs.

生育权的行使发生冲突时,应优先保护女性的生育权。Women enjoys precedence over men when the exertion of the right conflicts between conjoints.

馆藏建设是档案馆功能建设和功能发挥的经济管理学论文格式核心问题。The archives storage construction is a key question for its function construction and exertion.