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中国军队的退休金计划是怎样的?和印度以及巴基斯坦比起来又如何?What is chin army pension plan? How does it compare to Bharat and Pak?

巴拉特使得他的创业进度甚至阿马尔深深陷入贫困。Bharat makes progress in his business ventures even as Amar plunges deep into poverty.

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那又怎样?印度大扫除运动好就好在能用厕所来抽空国库的钱!So what ? Swachh Bharat scheme is good at draining out exchequers money through Toilets !

巴拉特想报仇,因为他讨厌他,因为他知道妈妈对她的真相。Bharat wanted to get revenge because he hated his mom because he knew the truth about her.

“这似乎根本就没有效率”,Bharat对一家公共广播公司Mediashift说。"It seemed fundamentally inefficient," Bharat told Mediashift, a Publish Broadcasting Service.

这是年轻人抓住机会并创造新巴拉特梦想的最好时机。This is the best time for the youth to seize the chances and make a new Bharat of their dreams.

很好,塞娜!继续保持!把奥运金牌拿回来。你可以办到的!Great going Saina ! Keep it up ! Bring back Olympic Gold, . YOU CAN DO IT ! Bharat Mata Ki Jai !

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中国干得好。印度也应当加快推进清洁卫生系统。It is a good move by China. India also should speed up with Swach Bharat and clean sanitation system.

印度也可以逮捕考试作弊者,然后关3年,用来做宣传。In India we can catch these cheats and prison them for 3 years and use them for Swatch Bharat compaign.

所以停止幻想我们印度人是优越的。这是一种虚幻的优越感。So please stop thinking that we Indians are superior and Mera Bharat Mahan. That is a false sense of superiority.

我爱这个国家,你口口声声印度万岁,但是你的所作所为是多么的肮脏。How many dirt you are in our beloved country. But dont worry very soon we all INDIANS will throw you out of our Mahaan Bharat.

据巴拉特纪事报报道,卡扎菲称他赋予女性保镖的角色,就是允许并且提供给她们更好的生活。Reporting from page Bharat Chronicle, he said that by giving the role as guardian to the woman, he has empowered and provide better life to them.

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纳伦德拉莫迪。有你这样的领导是印度的骄傲。第一次,我们有了这片被称为“婆罗多国”的永恒大陆应得的领导人。Narendra damordas Modi. Indi is proud to have a leader like you. For the first time we have a leader which this great timeless land called Bharat deserves.

该州预算也包括安排种姓和安排部落成员的一个特殊的计划。The state budget also includes a special package for scheduled caste and scheduled tribe members under the Bharat Ratna Dr Bahasaheb Ambedkar Udyog Yojana.

“我们相信他们的名声和口才会使政府机关向欠税者征税的工作易如反掌,”税务官员巴拉特·沙尔马表示。"We are confident that their reputation and persuasive skills will come in handy for the municipal authorities to collect taxes from defaulters, " said Bharat Sharma, a revenue officer.

Bharat先生说道,“是时候接受事实了,读者自己综合了一定数量的新闻来源就是能得到一个观点,否则他们也不会继续这样做下去了”“我觉得这是个百花齐放的地方。”“It’s time to embrace the fact that certain news sources have a point of view, and that’s why they have the following they do,” says Mr Bharat. “I think there’s a place for all of them.”