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她一直在努力地唱好。She has been labouring to sing well.

那个职员在为提升而努力。That clerk is labouring for a promotion.

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那辆旧车在泥泞的路上吃力地朝前开着。The old car was labouring along the muddy road.

城市的迅速发展产生了一个强大的劳动阶级。Cities grew rapidly, a large labouring class developed.

他站在桌前,用他那拙劣的笔迹吃力地写着。He stood at the desk, labouring in his execrable handwriting.

这是用劳动人民的血汗建成的。It was built with the blood and sweat of the labouring people.

通过对我校十年来劳动课教学探索与实践的总结。The labouring class has been held for 10 years in our college.

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吸烟者多年来一直为肺病所苦。The smoker has been labouring under lung disease for many years.

解放前,劳动人民没有获得受教育的机会。Before liberation the labouring people had no access to education.

我们是要把这副重担子撂给我们那些通讯记者们去挑。I shall still let the labouring oar be pulled by my correspondents.

我认为他已经因为一点误会苦恼了很久。It seems to me that he's been labouring under a bit of a misapprehension.

在旧社会,劳动人民贫病交加。In the old society, the labouring people suffered from poverty and illness.

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这对夫妇几年来一直为住房困难所困扰。The couple have been labouring under housing difficulties for several years.

甲板大量上浪,采取减速,改向措施来减轻颠簸。Shipped heavy seas on deck, reduced speed and altered course to relieve labouring.

他习惯于对工联组织、外国人及劳动妇女作过于笼统的陈述。He's much given to sweeping statements about trades unions, foreigners and labouring women.

这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people.

金缕玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。The restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the labouring people of ancient China.

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以劳工阶级为依靠进行反帝反封建是中华民族获得的关于近代史的第二个真知识。It is another true knowledge of modern history that depending on labouring people to oppose imperialism and feudalism.

母亲是一个“平凡”的人,她只是中国千百万劳动人民中的一员,但是正是这千百万人创造了和创造着中国的历史。Mother is an “ordinary” person and one of the millions of labouring people who have made and are still making Chinese history.

对汽车生产商来说,现在正是困难时期,它们中的许多正为高油价,需求放缓和金融体系的脆弱所困扰。THESE are tough times for carmakers, many of which are labouring under high oil prices, slowing demand and financial weakness.