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但那震惊的一刻使他失去了机会。But that moment of shock undid him.

他勾引了邻居的年轻女儿。He undid his neighbour's young daughter.

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这场火灾使8个月干的活儿全白干了。The fire undid the work of eight months.

他解开了他的腰带,因为它太紧了。He undid his belt because it was too tight.

他把芭芭拉的毛衣脱掉,并把她的牛仔裤纽扣解开。He pulled her sweater off undid the button of her jeans.

军官打开枪套盖拔出了手枪。The officer undid the flap of his holster and drew his gun.

我家"小猫"昨晚把我耶鲁账号的密码给改了My cat yesterday actually undid my Yale password last night.

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博士的学说毁掉了一美元和一打衣领。The doctor’s doctrine undid one dollar and a dozen of collars.

她犹豫地踏出了一步又收了回来,又上去继续往下看。She took a doubtful step and then undid it To raise herself and look again.

阿拉维斯拔掉门闩,打开大门,稍稍退后一点儿,让陌生人进来。Aravis undid the door and opened it, drawing back a little way to let the strangers in.

他们宣布了另一个计划,基本上是反向操作他们在广场酒店所做的所有事情。And they announced another plan that essentially undid everything they had done at the Plaza.

门半掩着,在发霉的石灰浆和陈年的蜘蛛网的臭气中,解下了背带。Leaving the door ajar , amid the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs he undid his braces.

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录音带解开了这一密谋,两位副主席被宣布无罪,Anggodo现在麻烦重重。The recordings undid the conspiracy, the deputy chairmen were exonerated and Anggodo is now in hot water.

在出租车后座上,母女两人快速卸下上一场秀的发型,凯尔还小小地打了一个盹。The two of them quickly undid Kel's hairstyle for the Ronson show in the backseat leaving Kel a moment to relax with a quick snack.

我将娃娃翻过来,将它背后的衣服解开,想找找看有没有什麽安电池的地方或者开关之类的。I then turned the doll over onto it's front, and undid the back of the dress.I checked to see if there was some kind of battery station or switch.

她一边这样说着,一边解开别着红字的胸针,从胸前取下红字,远远地抛到枯叶之中。So speaking, she undid the clasp that fastened the scarlet letter, and, taking it from her bosom, threw it to a distance among the withered leaves.

韦小宝从他肩头跃下,解下他腰带来绑了双足,再解下他裤带,反绑了他双手。Then Trinket jumped nimbly down from his shoulders, tied his hands behind him with his sash, and undid the belt of his breeches to tie his feet with.

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“我要撒泡尿,”侏儒表示。他蹒跚的走下路肩,解开裤子在一丛荆棘中解决了问题,这花了他好一番时间。"I need a piss, " the dwarf announced. He waddled off the road, undid his breeches, and relieved himself into a tangle of thorns. It took quite a long time.

恢复体力和健康,只有这样你才能清楚考虑问题。Recover some of the health and fitness that your years of stress and overwork undid. Only after this sabbatical will you be able to think clearly about anything.

她解开了纱巾下面放钱地方的扣子,掏三分钱,塞进箱子,拿了一根蜡烛,嘴里用印度语念叨着祷词。She undid the knot in the end of her veil, where she kept her money, took out three cents, popped them into the box, picked up a candle and muttered a prayer in Hindustani.