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阿明确必须购买。A definite must-buy.

没有定冠词。No definite article.

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我立刻要你确切的答案。I want your definite answer.

那么,那是确切的了,是吗?That's definite then, is it?

订定一明确目标。Adopt a definite major purpose.

这里不要漏掉定冠词。Don't leave out the definite article.

正弦和余弦都是有限大小的数sine and cosine are definite numbers.

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明天我将给你一个确切答复。I'll gie you a definite answer tomorrow.

在这里,喧哗吵闹、低级庸俗的谈话是绝对行不通的。Loud crude talk is a definite no-no here.

这幢旧房子是一个没有防火安全设施的建筑。This old Building is a definite firetrap.

比值会接近一个确定的极限值the ratio will approach a definite limit.

怎么能把努力钻研业务和白扯到一起呢!It would be hard to give a definite reply.

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但这里也存在着明确的政治意味。But there is a definite political undertone.

他这个人明显有一股势利小人的气味。He had a definite strain of snobbery in him.

其实在你心里对她是早有定评吧。Nothing definite can be said about the matter.

我们要求他们给个确切的答复。We demanded that they give us a definite answer.

紫色酒体,透出一抹紫罗兰色的光泽。Purple color, with definite purple-violet lights.

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论证一个限定推荐值的正确性是困难的。A definite recommendation is difficult to justify.

但这对你们中大部分人来说,却是非常明确的改变。But that is a very definite shift for most of you.

试用自己的文字定义什麽是「五方连体」。Definite the "Pentominoes-Cube" in your own words.