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有虫吐出即愈。Worm spit Jiyu.

烤肉店吐出。Rotisserie spit.

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不要随地吐痰。Don't spit everywhere.

他们对我说的话表示轻蔑。They spit on what I said.

如果再喝,我就肯定要吐了。If you drink, I must spit.

墨水用煤灰和唾液来做。And ink from soot and spit.

拉得那丝真叫长。They spit silk really long.

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好,我就一吐为快。All right, I'll spit it out.

我对着天空吐口水。I spit at the vacant heavens.

在公共场合吐痰是粗鲁的。It is rude to spit in public.

我们在一根铁叉上烘烤了猪。We roasted the pig on a spit.

我们不应该随地吐痰。We shouldn't spit everywhere.

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小树吐出嫩绿的芽芽。Thee trees spit green bud bud.

突然,我的狗朝着门低吠起来。Suddenly my dog spit at the door.

他朝我的狗吐痰,真是一个愚蠢的人。He spit on my dog. He's real jerk.

使用唾液,衣角,和灰烬。He uses spit and cloths and ashes.

火吐也可以延长。The Fire Spit can also be extended.

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C.吐到车内的地板上。C. Spit on the floor of the vehicle.

为什么鱼吐泡泡就是蓝色的呢?Because the fish will spit the froth!

会发出臭味的垃圾人,“唾弃“名词的源头。Stink of rubbish, "spit" noun source.