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那么关键还是靠精雕细刻。The key still lies in fine craftsmanship.

这也是软件技艺的对应模型。And that's the model of Software Craftsmanship.

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现在它的那些工艺的样品极有收藏价值。Examples of its craftsmanship are now very collectable.

整车精致工艺质量改进跟踪。Vehicle craftsmanship quality improvement following-up.

我偏好功能性与品质精良的工艺。My reserch favours functionality and quality craftsmanship.

对于陈义海的勇气,以及他的技艺,我深表敬意。I salute Yihai Chen's bravery, as well as his craftsmanship.

同样我也喜欢这个沙发不可思议的制作技巧。Also I like the surprising detailed craftsmanship of the sofa.

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现在有一种教条式的看法,即技巧阻碍表达。The dogma now is that craftsmanship gets in the way of expression.

敏捷明确地提到人的价值和他们的技术。Agile clearly mentions the value of people and their craftsmanship.

年代短的壶有时候比年代久的壶更值钱!Sometimes, modern craftsmanship teapots are more valuable than aged.

她的手艺提高了,还熟练地掌握了草图素描法。Her craftsmanship improved and she mastered her sketching techniques.

奥尔坦萨的丈夫瓦西里对妻子独一无二的手艺很是自豪。Ortansa's husband Vasile expressed pride in her unique craftsmanship.

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软件技艺的重点在于实做,而不仅仅是空谈。This reflects that software craftsmanship is about doing and not just talking.

提里奥对于这种巧夺天工的手艺只能赞叹不已。Tirion could only marvel at the weapon's exceptional craftsmanship and beauty.

一切都是古老的工艺品,只要欣赏他们的复杂性和工艺。All are ancient crafts, long appreciated for their intricacy and craftsmanship.

霜之哀伤复制品运用了首屈一指,极为细致的技术和工艺。Frostmourne replica is second to none in detailed craftsmanship and technology.

质量,工艺和独特的设计真正的定制轮辋,拿起了一套今天。Quality, craftsmanship and true custom rims unique design, pick up a set today.

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此佛龛选用优质紫檀精制而成,工艺精湛。This niche is delicately made of fine-quality rosewood with refined craftsmanship.

它款式大方,制作精美,与您积极的生活方式相得益彰。Its elegant style and exquisite craftsmanship go well with your positive lifestyle.

必须尽快制订措施拯救曲阳石雕这一古老的手工技艺。Quyang to expeditiously formulate measures to save the ancient stone craftsmanship.