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把一支箭射入了我的身体!Shot an arrow in me!

箭头指向北边。The arrow points north.

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箭嗖地一声射了出去。The arrow twanged away.

如同箭矢离弦。As arrow from the string.

光阴似箭,岁月如梭。Time flies like an arrow.

你看见这支箭了。You have seen this arrow.

他被一支箭射伤了。He is wounded by an arrow.

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他像箭一般飞快地逃走了。He ran away like an arrow.

在一个箭提示的德文特河。DERWENT at an arrow prompt.

他被一支箭射伤了。He was wounded by an arrow.

你拿一支箭来把它折断。Bring an arrow and break it.

箭未能射中靶子。The arrow missed the target.

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飞箭击中了目标。The arrow struck its target.

这枝箭射插在树上。The arrow stuck in the tree.

那支箭射在树上。the arrow stuck in the tree.

他用弓箭打猎。He hunted with bow and arrow.

我向天空射出一支箭。I shot an arrow into the air.

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它直飞如箭。It flew straight as an arrow.

那支箭射中靶心。The arrow hit the bull's-eye.

一支箭从我耳边咻地飞过。An arrow whistled past my ear.