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和他一起工作应该够刺激的。Working with him shall be stimulating.

刺激了外生菌根的形成。Stimulating the formation of the ectomycorrhizae.

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做一些有刺激性和创造性的活动。Do something that will be stimulating and creative.

不过这样是振兴中国的经济吧?Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China ?

他看起来精明。和他一起工作应该够刺激的。He looks sharp. Working with him shall be stimulating.

它通过激发人体产生“TH1”免疫细胞来对付结核菌。It works by stimulating the production of 'TH1' immune cells.

一边自我控制一边反复刺激病灶。While repeatedly stimulating the side of self-control lesions.

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盆底肌电刺激可增加尿道控尿能力。Electrical pelvic floor stimulating can improve the continence.

他有皮脂溢出症,医生建议他少吃刺激性食物。He has seborrhea, and shouldn't have too much stimulating food.

对表演者而言,因为对着听众演奏而更加有激励性。It's more stimulating for them to have an audience to play with.

该化学益生素的工作,通过刺激生长的这些细菌。The prebiotics work by stimulating the growth of these bacteria.

心动过速能由心房刺激诱发。Atypical AVNRT could be induced by stimulating high right atrium.

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农民阶级反清思想的刺激。Farmer social class counter-clear revolution thought stimulating.

而疫苗正是通过激活免疫反应来对抗PSCA。The vaccine works by stimulating an immune response against PSCA.

白色结晶粉末,自由流动,无刺激气味。White crystalline powder, free-flowing, nothing stimulating odor.

这样做的唯一结果就是刺激家用保险箱。The only thing you would end up stimulating is sales of home safes.

此言一出,大家都赞成进行这个绝顶刺激的浪漫游戏,居然没有人反对。Then everyone agreed with this extremely stimulating and romantic game.

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如果只是执行或是刺激某些事情,那将依旧无济于事。Doing or stimulating things only in America will continue to do nothing.

它可以保持年轻,并没有刺激作用。It is known for its rejuvenating, oxygenating and stimulating properties.

推动知识共享和创新。Create a stimulating environment. Promote knowledge-sharing and innovation.