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人们食用低于该指导值的食品是安全的。Food with radioactivity levels below these GLs is safe for people to eat.

这将让你能够建造小奇迹英雄史诗,英雄史诗能够提高领袖的产生几率。This will let you build the Heroic Epic, which in turn will bring more GLs.

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结论GLS对试验性更年期潮热证具有治疗作用。Conclusion GLS is effective in the treatment of redness of climacteric syndrome.

首次发现玉米灰斑病菌存在数量水平上的遗传分化现象。The genetic differentiation of GLS pathogen in quantity level was found for the first time.

“GLS吉祥星”是吉祥岛电子科技有限公司产品的注册商标。"GLS auspicious Star" is Jixiangdao Electronic Technologies Co. , Ltd. registered trademarks.

从互补序列集出发,我们通过类比GLS码的构造方法,提出了一种新的GMLS码字的设计方法。Analogizing the GLS code construction, a new GMLS code was devised based on the uncorrected sequence set.

更年期综合征也是一种衰老有关的疾病,GLS的抗氧化与增强免疫作用对防衰老有一定积极意义。Since CS is related to aging process, Antioxidant effect of GLS may contribute to its action at some extent.

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初步定位结果表明,GLS基因位于第四条染色体短臂上靠近0端的16万碱基附近区域。Preliminary mapping results showed that the GLS gene was located on the short arm of chromosome 4 near 160 thousand base pairs.

再加入农村土地制度变量,利用GLS方法分析了科研投入和土地制度对农业生产率的影响。Adding the rural land system variables, using GLS method, it analyzes the research into the land system of agricultural productivity and the influence.

GLS是一个快速发展的企业,但薪酬制度仍沿用创业初期依赖人们习惯与经验而建立的行政职务工资。GLS is a rapidly growing business, but still has an initial pay system relies on people with experience and the establishment of customary administrative duties wages.

目的总结我院治疗胃平滑肌肉瘤的临床经验,以提高对本病的认识和疗效。Objective To summarize the experience of surgical treatment of gastric leiomyosarcoma , in order to gain more knowledge of GLS and to increase the level of diagnosis and treatment.

当超过该指导值时,国家政府必须作出决定,是否应允许并且在何种情况下允许该食品在其领地或者管辖范围之内销售。When the GLs are exceeded, national governments must decide whether and under what circumstances the food should be allowed to be distributed within their territory or jurisdiction.