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灾难是一个好的老师。Adversity is a good schoolmaster.

会议由校长怀特先生主持。The meeting was chaired by schoolmaster Mr White.

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校长接待了我们,带我们在校园里转了转。The schoolmaster met us and led us round the campus.

孩子们被校长吓得说不出话来。The children were awed into silence by the schoolmaster.

我希望像女校长的事迹会消失。I hope the deeds like female schoolmaster will disappear in china.

这位小学老师就要离开村子了,人人都似乎有些难过。The schoolmaster was leaving the village, and everybody seemed sorry.

约翰·奥布里则将莎士比亚描述为一个乡村校长。John Aubrey reported that Shakespeare had been a country schoolmaster.

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校长是个很有学识的人,他的学生都尊沉他。The schoolmaster was a scholarly man. All his pupils looked up to him.

校长宁愿他的儿子与他不在同一所学校工作。The schoolmaster would rather his son did not work in the same school.

这位往昔的老师找到了一种让我们晚上安静下来的方法。This erstwhile schoolmaster had discovered a way of keeping us quiet in the evenings.

罗切斯特Obadiah是受雇担任校长,同时也是一个众所周知的废除死刑的国家。In Rochester, Obadiah was employed as a schoolmaster and was also a well known abolitionist.

她说话的时候,教师诚恳地注视着她,然后把烟斗放在一边,立即站了起来。The schoolmaster looked earnestly at her as she spoke, laid aside his pipe, and rose up directly.

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但是你听说过因为校长乔迁新居所以学生放假吗?But have you ever heard that the students had holiday because the schoolmaster moved to new house?

这样律法是我们训蒙的师傅,引我们到基督那里,使我们因信称义。Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

罗兰·希尔,英国的一位小学校长,第一个提出用邮票来支付邮费。Rowland hill, a schoolmaster in England, is the first to put forward a proposal to use stamp to cover postage.

我很钦佩这位女校长,也欣赏她的作为,但是行为本身并不值得推荐。I really admire the female schoolmaster and appreciate her actions, but the act itself should not be recommended.

中小学校长队伍建设问题历来就是一个令世人关注的教育命题。The program of building up a schoolmaster contingent has always been an educational topic attracting world-wide attention.

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在他将近成年的时候,村里的中学校长要测试他的水平,让他写一篇纪念以色列独立日的文章。When he was barely in his teens, the village schoolmaster tasked him with writing a speech to mark Israel's independence day.

他最热衷的愿望就是想当一个医生,可是贫穷注定了他的命运,使他只当了一个村镇上的小学校长,无法升迁。The darling of his desires was to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster.

水下景观佛罗里达国家海洋保护区,鱼群排徊在水下研究站附近。Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.