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奉承是最好的说服者。Flattery is the best persuader of people.

分别用于一个追求者和两个流氓身上。He apply his power on a persuader and two gangsters.

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在使用管子钳或阀门扳手时,不能使用任何其它附加方式。No extension of any kind will be used with persuader.

用性来劝服根本不像亚崔迪人的行为!It was not like the Atreides to use sex as a persuader !

营销者很早就明白,最有力的营销方式是人与人之间的比较。Marketers have long known that the most powerful persuader is peer pressure.

如果足够多的人认为你应该记得什么事,这种影响是非同小可的。If enough people want you to remember something, that can be a pretty powerful persuader.

它是引导他人去选择劝说者偏好的行为、信仰或者态度的一个过程。It is a process of guiding people toward the adoption of some behavior, belief, or attitude preferred by the persuader.

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而托尼布莱尔,他是一个具有非凡天赋的政客,没准也是这个国家自1928年实行普选以来凭借不露声色的说服技术登上权力顶峰的佼佼者。Tony Blair is an exceptionally gifted politician, perhaps the most natural persuader to have occupied the country's highest office since universal suffrage was introduced in 1928.

有时候,说服教育不但改变不了病人的观念,反而会使病人对说服者产生怀疑,甚至仇恨,加重了病情。Occasionally, persuade education not only the intention that cannot change a patient, can make the patient generates suspicion to persuader instead, hate even, accentuated illness.

名副其实,当说服者提出一个非分之请,他自知对方肯定会拒绝,于是随后给予一个较合理的恩惠。In this aptly named technique, the persuader makes a ridiculously large request, knowing the other person is sure to reject it.He then follows up with a favor that is more reasonable.