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警方打算持续不断地严惩醉酒后开车的司机。The police intended to clobber drunk drivers.

你真该看看他去登山时带的服装和设备!You should see the clobber he takes when he goes climbing!

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携带婴儿和幼儿需备有非常大量衣物。Babies and small children require an inordinate amount of clobber.

那些圣经是撞的七,八人用诗句说,同性恋是一种罪过。Those clobber Scriptures are the seven or eight verses people use to say that homosexuality is a sin.

英雄的锤子是一个特别方便的工具,既能痛揍敌人,又能改造环境。The hero's hammer is a handy tool, letting you clobber enemies and knock down parts of the environment.

这老鬼又要暗算我了,也许是针对我的自我重要感,不过这一次我不介意。The old devil was going to clobber me again, probably with my self-importance, but I did not mind this time.

我们互相看见车上所带的物品就立刻认了出来,和其它骑自行车的人完全不一样。We recognised each other immediately by the amount of clobber we were carrying compared to everyone else on bicycles.

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我喜欢那句“撞圣经”,你用诗句来形容行动得到举起谴责某些人或某些。I love the phrase "clobber Scriptures" that you use to describe verses that get held up to condemn certain people or actions.

有很多的理由让我们相信,不能摧毁国内负责任的石油生产,或让高价击垮每个美国消费者。For so many reasons, we can't afford to kill responsible domestic energy production or clobber every American consumer with higher prices.

现在研究人员了解到,要治疗这种关节疾病并不需要猛攻整个免疫系统,只需针对某部分进行即可。What researchers now realize is that to treat the joint disease they don't have to clobber the whole immune system, just certain portions of it.

该理念是在幼儿体内培养有益菌的生命群,这样就可以准备好击退任何可能被吸收的HIV。The idea is to seed an infant’s gut with living communities of the beneficial bugs so that they’re ready to clobber any HIV that might be ingested.

其中之一就是,对于一个北极熊来说,相较于耐心等着去击垮一只肥胖而毫无戒备的海豹,袭击人类的风险更大,而回报甚微。One is that, for a polar bear, the risk from attacking humans is higher, and the reward much lower, than patiently waiting to clobber a fat, unsuspecting seal.

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设计了一种最优地形跟踪控制系统,它可以权衡巡航导弹的撞地概率与控制作用之间的关系。An optimal terrain-following control system is designed for a cruise missile in order to realize a tradeoff betweeen the probability of clobber and control signal in the paper.

不管是你一直在找寻的设计独特的裙子,还是最新的俱乐部服装,抑或是一些更加不同寻常和更加古怪的东西,都可以在伦敦数量繁多的商店和市场里淘到。Whether it's a unique skirt you're looking for, the latest clubbing clobber or something more unusual and quirky, London's numerous shops, department stores and markets offer them all.

因此,如果希望只存储一个字节,且试图在未对齐的地址直接存储,那么它就会进入到不正确的位置并会截断四字内剩余的字节。Therefore, if you want to store only one byte, if you tried to do it directly on an unaligned address, it would both go into the wrong location and clobber the remaining bytes in the quadword.