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柬埔寨重建和发展管理局。The Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board.

柬埔寨问题肯定只是一个枝节问题。The Cambodian issue is very definitely a side issue.

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而现在,柬埔寨一些官员认为他们应该另辟他径。Now some Cambodian leaders think they should look elsewhere.

她还在三年前收养了一名柬埔寨难民男童Maddox。She adopted a Cambodian refugee boy, Maddox, three years earlier.

医疗公平基金是柬埔寨医疗体系中的购买机制。HEF are a purchasing mechanism in the Cambodian health-care system.

我的同仁们和那个柬埔寨人都睡着了,我却疼得浑身紧绷。My comrades and the Cambodian warrior sleep. I'm tense and suffering.

谢乔准将是柬埔寨军区的副司令。Brigadier Chea Keo is the deputy commander of the Cambodian Military Region.

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柬埔寨渔民2003年在洞里萨河与一头暹罗巨鲤合影。Cambodian fishermen pose with a giant carp caught on the Tonle Sap River in 2003.

人称“斯麦”的他在柬埔寨自行车界也算得上是个人物。Smey, as he is known, is something of a legend in the Cambodian cycling community.

西哈莫尼代表柬埔寨人民对温家宝的到访表示热烈欢迎。On behalf of Cambodian people, Sihamoni extended warm welcome for Premier Wen's visit.

两种问卷均从英文译成柬埔寨语和汉语。The questionnaires were translated from English to both Cambodian and Chinese language.

但是,他的柬埔寨籍同僚谢莲反对被起诉人数超过五名。But his Cambodian counterpart, Chea Leang, has opposed prosecuting more than five people.

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胡锦涛说,中柬两国人民有着长期友好交往的历史。Hu said that the Chinese and Cambodian peoples share a long history of friendly exchanges.

他对柬埔寨朋友所给予的盛情款待表示衷心感谢。Jiang expressed sincere thanks for the hospitality accorded to him by the Cambodian friends.

许多柬埔寨报纸和私营广播依赖于各政党的支持。Many Cambodian newspapers and private broadcasters depend on support from political parties.

据报道,泰柬两国外长将出席14日的安理会会议。According to reports, Cambodian foreign ministers will attend the 14th meeting of the Council.

卡尔森说,美国国际开发署的另一项目标是,让所有的柬埔寨儿童有机会接受良好的教育。Another goal of USAID is access to quality education for all Cambodian children, Carlson said.

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项目拟向位于越南-柬埔寨边境的周边湿地拓展。The project is slated for expansion in neighboring wetlands, which cross the Cambodian border.

他说,另外还有200名泰国军人在柬埔寨边境一侧占领着一些小的营地。He said a further 200 Thai soldiers occupied small camps along the Cambodian side of the border.

柬埔寨农民带着传统的竹帽带着他们的产品去往当地的市场。Cambodian farmers in traditional bamboo hats carry their products to a local market in Siem Reap.