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面对着那正在显现、暴露的神性。To the Godhead now revealed, exposed.

因为神格一切的丰满,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

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因为神本性一切的丰盛,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

沉降之子的起源实际上是来自上帝或来自神性。The origin of the Descending Sons is actually of God or the Godhead.

的确,那些传播首神讯息的人们是最慷慨的。Certainly those who spread the message of Godhead are most munificent.

所以再一次证明耶稣基督是叁位一体神性的一部份。Therefore, it again proves that Jesus Christ is part of the Triune Godhead.

神格中的三个身位,乃是父、子、灵。The Three persons in the Godhead are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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当依赖于神权的国王出现后,取代乡村神父时,神权并未沦丧。The priests lost no power when they set up a king dependent on them in place of the village godhead.

至尊主出于无缘故的仁慈,总想带我们回归家园,回归神首。It is the causeless mercy of the Supreme Lord that He always tries to bring us back home, back to Godhead.

从这本书的开头,你看到了叁位一体的上帝参与了耶稣基督的启示。From this beginning of the book you see the involvement of the Triune Godhead in the revelation of Jesus Christ.

印度教的核心宇宙观是将宇宙理解为一个神体,而我们每个人则是这神体做的梦。The cosmology central to religious Hinduism is one in which the godhead is understood to be "dreaming" each of us.

衬衫上满是虫,士兵用诅咒撕开他的喉咙,上帝可能会退缩而不是虱子。For a shirt verminously busy Yon soldier tore from his throat, with oaths Godhead might shrink at, but not the lice.

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例如,在父神身上,神圣的爱是神格的属性,这属性是在神圣的生命里。For instance, with God the Father the divine love is an attribute of the Godhead. This attribute is in the divine life.

后来,加达的儿子被带去了主维施努的居所,并在那里恒常地服务着至尊人格首神。Thereafter Jada's son was taken to the abode of Lord Visnu, where he eternally engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

在对地球的类似方式中,大中枢太阳已经吸收了来自你们神性中降低了振动的其它创造物的业力。In a similar manner to Earth, the Great Central Sun has absorbed karma from other creations that have dropped in vibration within your Godhead.

然而不论神性是三维的或多维的,基督都是神性的一个基本部分。Nevertheless, the Christ, whether one speaks of the Godhead as three dimensional or multidimensional, is seen as an essential part of the Godhead.

在喀历年代,有智慧的人举行齐颂圣名来崇拜那位恒常在唱颂奎师那圣名的首神的化身。In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name of Kåñëa.

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艾克哈神人密契结合的思想是藉「圣子在灵魂的诞生」与「突破进入神的源头」两个主题表达出来的。The gist of Eckhart's mystical unity of God and Man lies in his ideas of the "The Birth of the Son in the Soul" and "Breakingthrough to the Godhead".

从意识的更高层次去看,神性的多样性可以说比三维更复杂。The Godhead in Its multiplicity can be perceived as more complex than three dimensional when viewed from the perspective of higher levels of consciousness.

29我们既是神所生的,就不当以为神的神性象人用手艺、心思所雕刻的金、银、石。Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.