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船只模型展示馆。Ship model gallery.

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当代艺术画廊?A contemporary art gallery?

流经墙垣,流经迴廊。By garden-wall and gallery.

从那以后他开办了自己的画廊。He has since opened a gallery.

秦昊画廊创建于1996年。Qin Gallery was set up in 1996.

其实,这是一个图像廊。Well, this is an image gallery.

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那有个不错的艺术画廊。Theres a nice art gallery there.

设计新颖的海报廊。A poster gallery in a novel style.

三潴画廊于1994年开馆。Mizuma Art Gallery opened in 1994.

为什么要将画廊办在炼铁厂里?Why put a gallery in an ironworks ?

他又一次抬起头,朝旁听席望去。He looked up into the gallery again.

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美术馆里一定会有餐馆吧。This gallery must have a restaurant.

在义大利佛罗伦斯的一所画廊里。In an art gallery in Florence, Italy.

今晚我们的座位是在剧场顶层楼座里。Our seats are in the gallery tonight.


滚动的图片库中导航。Scroll navigation in the picture gallery.

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走廊尽头是楼梯。The gallery is terminated by a staircase.

一个电子相册免费矢量图形。An online gallery of free vector graphics.

在温哥华艺廊举办个展。One-man show at the Vancouver Art Gallery.