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CEO的职责是分配资源。CEOs allocate resources.

我们必须分好这笔钱。We must allocate the money.

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然后我们分配内存。We then allocate the memory.

请安排加长睡床给我。Please allocate a long bed for me.

那么,你怎样分配一个指针数据?So, how do you allocate a pointee?

我可以分配本地变量。I can absolutely allocate local variables.

矩形网格上二维分配职位。Allocate positions on a rectangular 2d grid.

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此巨集无法配置记忆体。Could not allocate memory for a macro table.

为什么不分配一个更大的缓冲池呢?Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead?

无法为字体结构分配内存!Could not allocate memory for a font structure!

技巧是为每一个对象分配一个节点。The trick is to allocate a node for each object.

地方委员会以计分制分配住屋local councils to allocate housing on a points system

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如果你提出书面申请,他们就会拨给你资金。They will allocate funds to you if you requisition it.

您必须记住需要从哪个池进行分配。You must remember which pool you need to allocate from.

分配出时间来重温召唤你的目标。Allocate time to reconnect with your purpose and calling.

BOOTP并没有办法动态的分配IP地址给一台主机电脑。BOOTP does not dynamically allocate IP addresses to a host.

指在换页池中分派空间的调用次数。Shows the number of calls to allocate space in the paged pool.

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它就在您分配内存后分配受保护的内存。It allocates protected memory just after the memory you allocate.

南非市场,天气热则以T恤等为主。South Africa market, the hot weather, will allocate T-shirt, etc.

有什么方法来分配实例变量在运行时确定吗?蒂雅。Is there any way to allocate the determined iVars during run time?