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所以我和克丽丝做了个交易。So, I made a deal with Kris.

“懒人罗斯”,克丽丝这么叫我。Sloth Roth, ” Kris would call me.

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“莱恩的车坏了,”克丽丝说。“Ryan’s car broke down, ” Kris said.

我想尝试一下,"我告诉克里斯。"“I want to try something, ” I told Kris.

克里斯克理高小心地嚼甘蔗。Kris Kringle carefully crunched on candy canes.

克丽丝和我住的地方并不适合步行。Kris and I don’t live in a very walkable neighborhood.

丹尼-高奇和克里斯阿伦表演了“离经叛道”。Danny Gokey and Kris Allen performed "Renegade" by Styx.

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当克里斯和我这样做,我们节约了成本。When Kris and I do this, we recover the cost very quickly.

他们都比金·卡戴珊和克里斯·亨弗里斯的婚姻时间长久。They are all longer than Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kris Humphries.

上周六,克丽丝和我花了几小时清理了“客房”。On Saturday, Kris and I spent several hours cleaning our “guest room”.

克里斯·麦康伯在北卡罗来纳州首府罗利的梅瑞迪斯学院教授社会学课程。Kris Macomber, who teaches sociology at Meredith College in Raleigh, N. C.

他们都比金·卡戴珊和克里斯·亨弗里斯的婚姻时间长久。They are all longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humphries. 2 h!

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在最后一家,克里斯有副作用,在未使用的老式明信片跟踪寻找。At the last house, Kris got side-tracked looking at unused vintage postcards.

全面清楚的水晶熊举行克里斯面光暹水晶心。Fully faceted clear crystal Kris Bear holding a faceted Light Siam crystal heart.

他的瑞典哥们克里斯彼得森是另一个进球的娃。His Swedish colleague Kris Peterson was the other scorer for Mike Marsh's free-scoring side.

克里斯放弃了比萨饼和炸鸡餐,并开始吃更多的水煮蔬菜和鱼类。Kris gave up pizza and fried-chicken meals and began eating more steamed vegetables and fish.

在儿童医院的计划实施中,克里斯和他的父亲了解到饮食营养和分量要适量。In the Children’s Hospital program, Kris and his dad learned about nutrition and portion sizes.

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克丽丝和我明年要到巴黎去旅行,所以我们打算学法语准备准备。Kris and I are teaching ourselves French in preparation for our planned vacation to Paris next autumn.

Kris仍旧挖空我的垃圾箱,就为了把这些食物回收起来。I let too much food spoil. And Kris still digs my cans out of the garbage to put them in the recycling.

克里斯被卡戴珊一家接受了吗?“他把他们全搞定了。”金说道。As how well received was Kris into the Kardashian family? 'He won them over for sure', said Kim afterwards.