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他们的工厂是个大厂。Theirs is a big factory.

我们的银行与他们的银行合并了。Our bank merged with theirs.

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他们的教室是个亮堂的教室。Theirs is a bright classroom.

不关他们的事。That's no nevermind of theirs.

我们队胜了他们队。Our team triumphed over theirs.

都怪他们那蹩脚的动画。It's that crappy Flash of theirs.

我们的汽车正节节逼进他们的车。Our car is edging down upon theirs.

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现在还有这两头小猫咪在等待领养。Now J3 and J4 are waiting for theirs.

我队以悬殊比分击败他们的队。Our te am beat theirs by a big score.

我的手小,爸爸妈妈的手大。My hands are small and theirs are big.

我们在他们的房子旁边建了一所新房子。We built a new house up against theirs.

巴西是热带气候,正如那些国家一样。Brazil's climate is tropical, like theirs.

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我们的数字与他们的数字完全一致。Our figures dovetailed nicely with theirs.

塑料杯和银杯都是他们的。The plastic and the silver cups are theirs.

我们学校比他们学校大几倍。Our school is some times larger than theirs.

那种客店也只能算是一种歇马店罢了。That inn of theirs is a sort of a cook-shop.

这次反对这个政策的吹起了金喇叭。This time those who are opposed blow theirs.

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她们的婚期还没定下来。They HAsn't set a date to theirs wedding yet.

那些人帮助你的动机是十分纯正的。Theirs are the purest motives for helping you.

如果收益都是他们的,你怎么会去种田?How can you farm if the profits will be theirs?