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后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。Behind Nike, the bust of Zeus on a plinth.

这一举措旨在使第四柱基能成为当代艺术的代表符号。The move aims to become the fourth plinth of symbol of contemporary art.

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月亮有晕轮就会起风,而柱基潮湿预示着下雨。If the moon has a halo it will be windy, and a damp plinth foretells rain.

当固定厨柜如低级时,通过做在地板上的被上升的柱基开始。When fixing kitchen cabinets as low level, start by doing a raised plinth on the floor.

随后,他称站在7米高的基座上让人感觉“热血沸腾。”Afterwards, he described the feeling of being on the seven-metre high plinth as "invigorating".

底座上肋骨状的铝面板形成了环绕建筑的浅色带。The ribbed aluminium panels on the plinth form a light-coloured band that wraps around the building.

他们把雕塑的双手刷上红漆代表鲜血,并在基座上写上了字母“RH”。They daubed the statue's hands in red paint to signify blood and scrawled the initials RH on the plinth.

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为此,一排士兵站在方台前保护高级僧侣们。For this very purpose a platoon of soldiers is drafted in to protect the senior monks sitting on the plinth.

这个模型住宅展馆的设计是使黑色抹灰盒式结构坐落在一个动态的玻璃底座之上。The design of this model home gallery is an evocatively rendered black box perched atop of a dynamic glass plinth.

在打火机和柱基光之下的单位将帮助发亮厨房和受到对时髦的特点的注意。Unit under lighters and plinth lights will help to brighten up the kitchen and attract attention to the stylish features.

2008年,史密斯的雕塑作品入围伦敦特拉法加广场第四柱基比赛。In 2008, a sculpture by Bob and Roberta Smith was shortlisted for the Fourth Plinth competition in Trafalgar Square, London.

建筑的次结构是由预先制造的模具混凝土元素不断重复构成的,这些柱基将场地框定限制。The substructure is formed by the repetition of a modular prefab concrete element. This plinth frames and delimits the plot.

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伊利里欧指出了旁边那个曾经屹立着第二座斯芬克斯像的而长满了苔藓和开花藤蔓的光滑石台。Illyrio pointed out the smooth stone plinth on which the second sphinx once stood, now grown over with moss and flowering vines.

作品名为“一个接一个”,在作品展现的100天内,每天由一个不同的人在伦敦市中心的特拉法广场的第四根基柱旁站立一小时,全天24小时不间断。The One and Other project will see a different person standing on the plinth every hour for 24 hours a day over the next 100 days.

我来到塔上时导游把我带到基座旁,我守职地把手放到总统手上。On my visit I am led to the plinth by a guide and dutifully place my hand in that of the president – and almost jump out of my skin.

我开始先做出一个圆柱的底部,再做出四个独立分隔的柱身,然后再在基座部分用一些装饰物来修饰出多利安式柱子的风格。I begun from base of a column, divided the column in four segments. Then decorated the plinth with some ornaments styled to Doric column.

已有工程实践表明,趾板不分缝,采取预留宽槽跳仓浇注可能是解决趾板裂缝的有效途径。It is shown by engineering practice that if the plinth is not partitioned by slits the problem may be solved by wide trough left in advance.

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该项技术已应用于万安溪和芹山两座面板坝趾板工程,并取得了初步成功。Such concrete has been applied in the plinth works of Wan'anxi and Qinshan concrete facing rockfill dams and has gained the preliminary success.

使用混凝土来建造基座十分必要因为多用途体育场将被体育俱乐部和公众广泛的使用。Using concrete to construct the plinth was necessary because the multi-sports hall will be heavily used by sports clubs and members of the public.

在表演过程中,一些会表现出愤怒的样子,摆出试图向正在精神祈祷的高级僧侣所站方台冲锋的样子。During the possession some will seemingly become enraged, attempting to charge the plinth where the senior monks are delivering the spritual prayers