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我们“偷猎”!We "mate poach".

烤,烘或加香料水煮。Broil, bake or poach it with dill

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虾肉用滚水滚熟捞起。Poach fresh shrimps in water until boiled.

这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去。The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter.

水开后,投入芦笋汆熟。When the water boils, drop the asparagus to poach.

将3杯水煮沸后加盐及糖,将露笋烚熟。Boil 3 cups of water , add salt and sugar , poach asparagus.

他嫌木耳偷得少,又向主人要木耳。He disrelishs agaric poach little, want agaric to host again.

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将西兰花灼熟,以作拌碟,吃时可淋上姜蓉醋。Poach the broccoli as the plate garnishing . To serve with ginger and vinegar.

锅内放入水烧开,倒入斩切好的排骨汆一遍,取出排骨备用。Bring a pot of water to boil and poach the pork spareribs. Drain and set aside.

不过,当地人捕猎野鹿和野猪的行为也正在断绝食肉动物的食物来源。But locals do poach the wild deer and pigs, cutting in on carnivores' food sources.

煮鱼时,可以自由发挥,随心配制专属自己的高汤,也可以简单一点,只放些蔬菜或鸡汤。To poach fish, you can make your own court-bouillon or simply use vegetable or chicken stock.

投资银行竞争对手纷纷利用这次变动“挖墙角”,把目标瞄准了摩根斯坦利的员工和客户。Rival investment banks are exploiting the upheaval at Morgan Stanley by trying to poach staff and clients.

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“贝尼特斯走的时候签了协议,保证不挖利物浦墙角。”火气森说。"When he left the club, Rafael Benitez signed an agreement that he would not poach players from Liverpool, " he said.

因此,跨国银行必须要从巴西企业挖角,以极高的报酬吸引他们加盟。As a result, international banks are having to poach staff from Brazilian companies, luring them with big pay packages.

六大技术公司之间曾经存在不挖对方员工的协议,而美国政府对该协议展开了整整一年的调查。The government had conducted a yearlong investigation into agreements among companies not to poach employees from each other.

分2批工作,在低温的果浆里煮切半的杏子,翻煮,直至接近软为止,每批用5-10分钟。Working in 2 batches, poach apricot halves in syrup at a low simmer, turning, until almost tender, 5 to 10 minutes per batch.

我想,这才是真正的核心竞争力,其它企业挖一、两个墙角是没有用的。I believe that this is the true core competitive ability and other enterprises poach one or two staff which is really useless.

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开火炖大约15分钟,直至鱼汤沸腾,然后将小龙虾放入炖鱼汤中煮一分钟。Bring to a simmer and cook for approximately 15 minutes. Bring the court bouillon to a boil and poach the langoustines for one minute.

更何况大家都不团结时,竞争者就能轻易地挑拨离间,以及把有才干的人才挖走。Moreover, when the employees, disunited , this will allow competitors to sow seeds of discord, and to poach the more capable one to join them.

海虾洗净挑肠,以盐水加2片柠檬加热烚熟,然后全部虾去壳,16只虾去尾。Wash prawns and remove intestines. Poach till done in boiling salt water added with 2 slices of lemon. Remove shells of all prawns. Remove tails of 16 prawns.