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典型的北美饮食可悲地远远失去平衡。The typical North American diet is woefully out of balance.

对安全功能进行翻新改造通常都是达不到目的的。Security that is retrofitted is usually woefully inadequate.

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而在安全标准方面,中国人也极度缺乏经验。And the Chinese have been woefully naive over safety standards.

当你做有关中学的梦时,你会梦到自己在大考来临时毫无准备,或者自己赤身裸体。Either you're woefully unprepared for a big test or you're naked.

不幸的是,将它称之为安全性漏洞有些轻描淡写。To call this a security hole is to understate the point woefully.

在一个部门,在评估技能上,我们已经严重地落后了。As a sector, we're woefully behind when it comes to evaluation skills.

中国房地产市场的繁荣造就了一大批沮丧受挫的单身汉阶层。China's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors.

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主场球迷安静地看着进球队员的庆贺,内心非常发急。And the fans of the home team had to accept it woefully with a heavy heart.

在飞机这个新的决定性的武器方面,我们在数量上却处于可悲的落后状态。We were woefully outmatched in numbers in this new mortal weapon of the air.

中国的公路网、铁路体系、电网和社会保障体系亟待改善。And China’s roads, railroads, energy grids and healthcare systems are woefully inadequate.

大约有460万的美国人缺乏医疗保险,更有超过成千万的人严重保额不足。Some 46m Americans lack health insurance, and tens of millions more are woefully under-insured.

但是人们却没有充分利用这种资源,因为棉花种子腺体中含有有毒的棉酚。However, it is woefully underutilized because of the presence of toxic gossypol within seed glands.

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张所遭遇的不幸并不少见,中国房产热潮造就了失落的单身汉阶层。Zhang's misfortune is not uncommon. China's housing boom has created a woefully frustrated class of bachelors.

不惟如此,IAEA用于评估其核保障成绩的标准也完全过时了。Not only that, but the yardsticks by which the IAEA measures its own safeguarding success are woefully out of date.

她没有任何抱怨,没有哀叹,甚至抱着感恩的新,依然渴望,追求,向往爱情。She neither complained nor sighed woefully. She had gratitude for , thirsted for and looked forward to love instead.

当我们最终得以可笑地顺利出发,没有一点冒险的样子时,我又感到悲哀失望。And when, at length, we made an absurdly smooth start, without any semblance of adventure, I felt woefully disappointed.

由于市场阴跌不止,纺织企业的采购愈发谨慎,实际成交量少得可怜。Yin-market fell more than textile enterprises purchasing more cautiously, woefully inadequate amount of actual transactions.

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他们压力重重,严重人手不足,有很多很多工作,并且半数员工都是新人。They were stressed out, they were woefully understaffed, they had way too much work AND half the people there were new hires.

当这样家庭的孩子到了美国后,要想与来自中产阶级的同龄人竞争,其基础极为薄弱。When the children of such families arrive in the US, they are woefully unprepared to compete with their middle-class agemates.

而当西欧大步迈向政治经济一体化时,阿拉伯人却仍是一团散沙。And whereas western Europe was making massive strides towards political and economic union, the Arabs remained woefully divided.