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你点头。You nod.

而我总会颔首聆听。I nod and listen.

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回答是点一下头。A nod was the answer.

我们互相点头致意。We nod to each other.

树叶在风中不停地抖动着。Leaves nod in the winds.

她点头表示同意。She gave a nod of assent.

他向丹点了点头,算是欢迎。He greeted Dan with a nod.

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仅仅点一下头就是他的答复了。A simple nod is his answer.

孟兆祥只能麻木地点着头。Meng could only nod numbly.

保卢斯向我点了下头,算是致意。Paulus greeted me with a nod.

点你的头。张开你的嘴。Nod your head. Open your mouth.

她走过时朝我点一下头。She gave me a nod as she passed.

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刀锋愣怔许久,轻轻点头。LengZheng long blade, gently nod.

望着你的眼睛,我使劲的点着头。Look in your eyes, I began to nod.

孩子似懂非懂的点了点头。The child not fully understand nod.

你频频点头,一路问候。When you nod and pass saying hello.

计然确实有点渴,点头。Account however really thirsty, nod.

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你们可以持不同意见People can nod or shake their heads.

丁老等人点了点头。The D old etc. person ordered to nod.

他皮笑肉不笑地和我打了招呼。She greeted us with a nod of the head.