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我正在用一种去头皮屑的洗发液。I'm using a dandruff shampoo.

你头发里有很多头皮屑。You hair has a lot of dandruff.

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这种洗发液可以防治头皮屑。This shampoo will cure your dandruff.

就好象是胃里长了头屑。It's like having dandruff in your stomach.

我气得连头皮屑都竖起来了。This makes me so sore it gets my dandruff up.

每年冬天头皮屑都困扰着他。Every winter he has a problem with dandruff in his hair.

来点护发素对头皮有益,可以防止生头皮屑。Some hair tonic is good for the scalp and it prevents dandruff.

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净化皮肤,改善癣、香港脚、头皮屑,抗感冒、抗菌,增强免疫力。Enhance immunity ability, resist cold and germs. Amend dandruff and.

他的头皮屑可真让人恶心,我甚至连看他一眼都受不了。His dandruff was such a huge turnoff that I could not even look at him.

通过广告,我们了解到可以用飘柔洗发水抑制头屑。By advertisements, we know that we can use Rejoice shampoo to prevent dandruff.

这些活性成分有助于减少头皮碎屑和头皮屑的发生。These active ingredients are beneficial for treating flaky scalps and dandruff.

头皮屑可以遗传,但什么原因导致了片状东西的产生还是一个谜。Dandruff can be hereditary, but it's still a mystery what causes the flaky stuff.

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有助于身体组织保持青春富有弹性,防治头屑。It helps keep youthful elasticity in tissues, and helps treat and prevent dandruff.

用于调理香波,去头屑香波,牛奶润肤沐浴露、洗面乳等。For conditioning shampoo, dandruff shampoo, milk to moisturizing lotion, cleanser, etc.

与迷迭香柔顺祛屑洗发乳配合使用效果更佳。It has better effect to use with Rosemary Aromatic Smoothening & Dandruff Removing Shampoo.

如果鳞片状的头屑让你不住抓耳挠腮的话,解决的方法就在你的冰箱里。If itchy, scaly dandruff has you scratching your head, relief may be no farther away than your refrigerator.

每天坚持,没有头皮瘙痒,你的头发还会散发柠檬清香。Repeat this daily until your dandruff disappears. No more itchy scalp, and your hair will smell lemon-fresh.

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适合成熟、老化、皱纹、干燥鳞片状肌肤、头皮屑、伤口愈合。Suitable for mature, aging, wrinkling, and dry scale-like skin, favorable for dandruff removing and wound healing.

桦树汁不仅可供饮用,如果您有痤疮或头皮屑,也可以用它来涂抹肌肤或者洗头发。You can not only drink this sap, but also rub your skin with it if having acne or wash your hair if having dandruff.

死海的矿物泥能愈合创伤,活化发根且消除脂漏性皮肤炎和头皮屑。Mineral mud from the Dead Sea heals wounds, enlivens the hair roots and eliminates seborreic dermatitis and dandruff.