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当时非常随意。And it was very casual.

他喜欢休闲服装。He likes casual attires.

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拥有休闲的周末文胸。Get a casual weekend bra.

乐作舞是一种非常随意的舞蹈。Lezuo is a very casual dance.

为何女性会有随意性行为?Why do women have casual sex?

你知道这是个非正式的聚会。It’s a casual party, you know.

时长一周的休闲商务旅行A Week-long Business Casual Trip

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一个民歌手的随意的演唱风格。A folk singer's casual delivery.

应选更为休闲的领带。Instead select a more casual tie.

我们只是泛泛之交。We are only casual acquaintances.

我周末穿燕服。I wear casual dresses on weekends.

全家适用的休闲鞋。Casual footwear for the entire family.

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他悄悄地溜了过去,竭力装作漫不经心的样子。He sidled past, trying to seem casual.

不经意就叹息有种不完整的心情。Casual groan gutty and incomplete mood.

那只是非常普通的关系。It was a just very casual relationship.

我既有亲密无间的朋友也有泛泛之辈的朋友。I have intimate friends and casual friends.

我明白了,便服有利于郊游。I see. Casual clothes are good for outings.

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这个计划出自于一次非正式的谈话。The plan grew out of a casual conversation.

休闲类的全面性对比拼接。Allover contrast stitching for casual class.

即便她著装随意,也高傲得很。Even in her casual attire, she is imperious.