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1983年,爱德华利默对自己所在行业进行严厉批评时如是说道。That was Edward Leamer's uncharitable description of his profession in 1983.

但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人。But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitaBle to ourselves.

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诉诸法律是不体面、缺乏仁慈的举动,因此必须避免。The recourse to the law court is an unbecoming and uncharitable conduct. It must be avoided.

在此,我不会斥责一些人的高傲和野心,或另一些人的激情和无仁慈的狂热。I will not here tax the pride and ambition of some, the passion and uncharitable zeal of others.

倘若她是个厉害苛刻的女人,她便早已用她那长于漫画的铁笔,把全郡都治得服服贴贴了。Had she been an uncharitable woman she could have ruled the county with an iron rod of caricature.

他相信自己宣讲的那种宗教信仰,虽然那种信仰严厉讨厌,苛刻无情。He believed in the religion which he taught, harsh, unpalatable, uncharitable as that religion was.

贫穷给有些行业带来了赚钱的机会,这听起来是无情的,特别是在今年这个时候。There's money to be made from poverty. That may sound uncharitable , especially at this time of year.

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当我们在竞选期间狭路相逢的时候,我经常得压制有点无情的冲动,克制自己不去嘲弄他或是扭他的脖子。When our paths crossed during the campaign, I often had to suppress the rather uncharitable urge to either taunt him or wring his neck.

等你回到家里坐下来读书做事的时候,玩味着刚才所见的一切,就会冷静下来,对于别人的短处也不太苛责了。When you come home, you sit down, in a sober, contemplative, not uncharitable frame of mind, and apply yourself to your book or business.

当你回家坐下来冷静的沉思,就会带着不无怜悯的心境投入到读书或者工作中。When you come home you sit down in a sober, contemplative, not uncharitable frame of mind, and apply yourself to your books or your business.

但是在表面之下,这位CIA官员会对目标人选的抱负、恐惧和欲望进行持续的、而且经常是铁面无情的评估。But beneath the surface, there is the CIA officer's constant and often uncharitable assessment of the target's aspirations, fears and desires.

我要指责Joe,Biden这并不慈善的一面,因为我真的认为他应当,达到这种要求,而我们其余人也应当努力达到这个标准。So I would sue the uncharitable perspective on Joe Biden, because I really thought that this is something that he should be living up to and we should all be trying to.

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这里没什么话题可聊,要聊也都是些琐碎的闲话,比如去哪儿的路怎么走、哪儿的收容站好哪儿的不好、哪个县待遇好哪个县刻薄、哪儿的警察和救世军办事不公道等等。There was nothing to talk about except the petty gossip of the road, the good and bad spikes, the charitable and uncharitable counties, the iniquities of the police and the Salvation Army.