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方法回顾总结分析580例经产妇剖宫产的临床资料。Methods The finical information of 580 multiparas were analyzed.

联邦及州政府的经济援助只针对美国公民。Federal and state finical financial aid can only go to American citizens.

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也增加了住宅信贷危机的担忧。That added to worries about The Housing Finical Crisisthe housing finance crisis.

人们想保护他们所拥有的一些有价值的物品,如房子免受财产损失。People on something valuable like a house want to protect themselves against finical lost.

在实际金融活动中,质押贷款违约时的损失程度应该是变化的。In the real practice of finical activities, the degree of loan default loss should changes.

财务管理系统是金融行业管理信息系统的重要组成部分和经济信息的核心。Finical Management System, the kernel of the economic information, is an important part of MIS.

作为回报,保险公司将在持有人的财产遭受损失时给予经济补。In return, the company will pay for finical lost if something happens to the policy holder's prosperity.

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金融控股公司作为多元化经营的金融集团,具有许多独特的优势。The financial holding company, as the finical group of multi-element operation, has many special advantages.

基于行为导向的绩效评测工具有助于改进企业的财务绩效,但对非财务绩效的影响并不显著。Behavior-oriented performance evaluation leads to positive effect on the finical performance of the expatriate staff.

关系型融资能减少代理成本,降低交易费用,救助陷入财务困境的企业。Relationship finance also benefits to reduce agency cost and transaction cost, helps corporations in finical difficulty.

最近,财务宽裕的顶尖学校纷纷增加他们的资金援助,给其他的学校增加了压力。Lately top schools with lots of money have increased their finical aid putting pressure on other colleges to do the same.

最近,高档学校金钱增加他们的财政增加和在其它学院上施加雅丽去做同样的。Lately, top schools with lots of money have increased their finical add put in pressure on the other colleges to do the same.

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疲软的房地产市场主要是由于经济危机使政府在金融体系中采取的新政策导致的。The weak housing market is largely responsible for an economic crisis that leading to new governmental steps in finical system.

负责编制预决算,监管财务运行,提供财政保障。The Finical Department supervises the finical operation and provides finical insurance for running and developing of the Institute.

高等教育部官员指出能够被接受的决定是仅仅部分基于考试成绩,但是较高的分数意味着能够得到等多的经济帮助。Higher education officials say acceptance decisions are based only partly on test scores, but higher scores can mean more finical aid.

自然灾难,像大火,风暴或都洪水都会造成或者损坏那些有价值的物品。Natural disasters like fire, storms or flooding can damage all destroys valuable preservation. And agreement offer finical protection.

以上模型均已在实际应用中得到了检验,发挥了很好的模型优势。Every model has been used in application of the enterprise accounting and finical management system, and has shown great model advantage.

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李先生是个有名的财务咨询师,他目前在全国知名的企业作财务咨询,两年前他仅是一个不起眼的小企业的会计。Mr. Li, a renowned finical consultant, works in a famous company in China, who was just an unknown accountant in a small company two years ago.

本文对我国财政供养人口比的变迁状况进行了分析,并对我国的这一状况进行了理论解释,进而也从中得到一定的启示。The article introduces the change of Chinese ratio of finical -supporting population, and then, it explains the reason. we can learn some knowledge from it.

本文主要介绍我们开发的基于三层模型的面向金融行业的财务信息管理系统的结构、组成、功能及其特点等。This paper introduces the architecture, composition, function and feature of three-tier model based finical management system which is fit for a finance corporation.