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联合应用程序层中的所有节点。Federate all nodes in the application tier.

然后,将新的节点联合到现有计算单元。Then, federate the new node into the existing cell.

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将应用程序服务器概要与部署管理器联合。Federate application server profiles with the deployment manager.

在同一服务器上设置一个自定义节点,并将其与部署管理器联合。Set up a custom node on the same server and federate it with the deployment manager

要立即联合节点,部署管理器进程必须启动并且正在运行。To federate the node immediately, the deployment manager process has to be up and running.

实现多联邦互联有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations.

实现多联邦互连有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations.

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通过拐角处的加速度和弓高误差的限制,计算平稳的加工速度。The federate in the corner area is controlled by the constraint of acceleration and chord error.

介绍了HLA作战仿真的基本情况及其联邦结构。The basic situation and federate structure of the warfare simulation based on HLA are introduced.

具体设计出了桥接成员的结构图并对其中的关键技术既FOM映射采用编译技术给予实现。It designs structure of Bridge Federate and realizes the key technic--FOM mapping by compiling technic.

FBT软件的思路就是通过向导自动生成桥接成员,快速地将已有联邦进行互联。The software "KD-FBT" can interconnect multiple federations rapidly by creating bridge federate automatically.

HLA提供了一种在邦员层面上进行集成的机制和仿真运行平台。HLA provides a reuse and interoperation mechanics of integration in the federate lever and a platform of simulation.

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以HLA为计算机仿真标准,对一个简化的城市交通网建了HLA仿真模型。A simple urban traffic network is modeled with HLA. The simulation is a federation formed by twelve federate members.

最常见的数据交换需求是让希望与单元联合的所有定制节点知道部署管理器的主机名。The most frequent need for this is to make the Deployment Manager hostname known to any custom nodes you wish to federate to the cell.

供希望在一个监管部门的保护下联合有适度自治权的部门的组织使用。Used by organizations that want to federate a set of moderately autonomous departments under the umbrella of a supervising department.

该工具的研制成功,可大大简化盟员软件的开发,提高各类仿真盟员的开发效率。Successful development of the tool may greatly simplify the development of federate software and improve the efficiency of development.

提出自适应性成员是为了解决联邦成员重用的问题,对象模型映射是自适应性成员的关键技术。The adaptable federate concept is provided to resolve the issues on reusing federates and the object model mapping is the key to adaptable federate.

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有些人开始试图基于遍布整个组织、公认的互操作协议和传输来建立他们的‘领域SOA’联邦。Some people are starting to try to federate their 'domain SOAs' based on agreed-to interoperability protocols and transports that span the full organization.

实验证明利用桥接联邦成员层次化之后的系统在系统和网络资源消耗方面都有一定的改进。According to the result of experiments, it's ture that performance of the system is better after it was formed as hierarchical federations using Federate Bridge.

1876年大选使威尔逊意识到美国政治体制出了问题,决心从政服务于联邦事业。Wilson realized from The 1876 general election that something was wrong with American institutions and decided to go to politics for the service of the Federate.