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不要让水龙头的水一直流!NO13, Don't let the faucet run!

我需要一个新的浴室洗手台的水龙头。I need a new bathroom sink faucet.

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管子工修好了漏水的水龙头。The plumber fixed that leaking faucet.

水龙头漏水的滴答滴答声。The drip-drip-drip of a leaking faucet.

水正从漏水的笼头滴下来。Water is dripping from that leaky faucet.

在家的时候,我用水管中的温水洗漱。At home, I wash in warm water from the faucet.

经过一番检查余小奇总算修好了水龙头。After a check Yu Xiaoji finally fix the faucet.

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首先,浴缸的水龙头老是滴水。First, the faucet in the bathtub drips constantly.

如果可以,用你的毛巾去关水龙头。If possible, use your towel to turn off the faucet.

然后从最低的水龙头中接水就可以了。Then draw water from the lowest faucet in the house.

卫生间的水龙头漏水了,我去检查一下。We have a leaky faucet in the toilet. I have a cheak.

剃须或刷牙的时候请关上水龙头。Turn the faucet off when shaving or brushing your teeth

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用洗槽扳手卸掉水龙头下方的螺丝。Unscrew the nuts below the faucet using a basin wrench.

突然你发觉笼头不对劲,怎么关也关不上!Suddenly you discover something wrong with the faucet s.

打开热水水龙头,降低热水器内胆的压力。Open the hot water faucet to depressurize the water tank.

可根据用户的要求,选择不同的气嘴和水嘴等。The gas faucet and water faucet can be chosen by customers.

他大步走向厨房的水槽并拧开龙头。He strides over to the kitchen sink and flips on the faucet.

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安装低流量水龙头通气器上所有的家庭水龙头。Install low-flow faucet aerators on all your household faucets.

您是否可以找人修一下漏的水龙头和坏锁呢?Could you find someone to repair a leaky faucet and broken lock?

如果没有任何漏水,就可以清洗你的新水龙头了。If there aren’t any leaks, wash up with your new faucet fixture.