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总是一个鉴定家。He is somewhat of a connoisseur.

他是古家俱鉴定家。He is a connoisseur of antique furniture.

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绘画、古瓷、古董、葡萄酒鉴定家。A connoisseur of painting, antiques, wine.

约翰是骨董家具的行家。John is a connoisseur of antique furniture.

他在古董界算得上是一位品玩专家了。He is really a connoisseur in the antiques circle.

甚至想象你自己是一个鉴赏家。Even imagine yourself a connoisseur of that focus point.

一个识货的鉴赏家本会发现这个古瓶是赝品。Adiscerning connoisseur would have found the vase a fake.

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两种音乐的鉴赏家——吵闹的和非常吵闹的音乐。a connoisseur of two kinds of fine music — loud and very loud.

让自己成为一个鉴赏家,鉴赏那些由他人完成的佳作。Become a connoisseur of the best things other people have done.

我的生命就像这条路般,我尝尽了生命的酸甜苦辣。I'm a connoisseur of roads. I've been tasting roads my whole life.

对于独立乐而言最根本的是内行的无目的的练习。Fundamental to indie is the discursive practice of the connoisseur.

每个品酒鉴定家会因它悠久且强烈的回味而高兴。Every wine connoisseur will be delighted by its long, intensive finish.

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根据他们的建议,我们在挑选巧克力时,五官都应该用上。Then, you should follow these five tips from connoisseur chocolate makers Ghirardelli.

作为深喑外交权术的行家,亨利·基辛格在中国很受追捧。As a connoisseur of fine diplomacy, Henry Kissinger finds a lot of it to admire in China.

紫云轩是迷人的音乐家,茶叶鉴赏家和潮流领先者锦儿的梦想。GREEN T. HOUSE is the vision of glamorous musician, tea connoisseur and trend-setter JinR.

一个政治鉴赏家能品味尼维尔·张伯伦或温斯顿·丘吉尔的诡计。A connoisseur of politics can savor the machinations of a Neville Chamberlain or Winston Churchill.

每一支舞都是在用形体在讲述一个故事,而且只是行家可以看懂这种平缓的象征主义手法。Every dance uses gestures to tell a story and only a connoisseur can understand the subdued symbolism.

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它有百分之十的专用基因是鉴别气味的好手,特别是针对不愉快的气味。Ten percent of its genes are dedicated to making it a champion connoisseur of odors, mostly unpleasant.

专为独具慧眼的鉴赏家而设的蓝带马爹利,适合直接加冰块享用。Specifically designed for the discerning connoisseur of Martell Cordon Bleu, suitable for direct access to ice.

众所周知,法国总统希拉克热爱东方文化,他对青铜器的鉴赏能力达到专家水平。Chirac, French president himself dotes on oriental culture and is even a connoisseur in ancient Chinese bronzeware.