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人们苦苦哀求暴君的劾免,但都徒劳而返。Begging people to impeach the tyrant-free, but all in vain and back.

弹劾案的通过只需要过半众议员投赞成票。It takes a simple majority of representatives’ votes to impeach an official.

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假如举报者觉得不方便,也欢迎直接向司法机关检举。If inform against person feel no-go , also welcome direct to judiciary impeach.

叶公瑾找回了公文包,但里头有份程云发检举他的信。Leaf GongJin rediscovered the briefcase, but there is in a cloud of hair impeach him.

在首尔的致祭场地,一些卢武铉支持者收集签名,准备要求弹劾李明博。Some of Roh's supporters are collecting signatures from mourners in Seoul in a bid to impeach Lee.

议会拥有提出和通过法律、召集弹劾内阁成员或总统的权力。Parliament has powers to introduce and pass legislation, summon and impeach ministers or the president.

市场实际早已抨弃了太阳能光伏屋顶并网电站的方式。The actual market has long been abandoned impeach solar photovoltaic power station roof and network approach.

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国家媒体称总统登盛在法院投票弹劾这些法官后接受了法官的辞职。State media said president Thein Sein had accepted the judges' resignations after parliament voted to impeach them.

所以,伊利诺斯州众议院星期五在斯普林菲尔德有史以来第一次弹劾州长。So, for the first time in state history, the Illinois House of Representatives in Springfield voted Friday to impeach the governor.

据新华社电伊朗议会6日就弹劾能源部长马吉德·纳姆久举行投票。纳姆久最终以一票之差躲过一劫。AP 6, the Iranian parliament to impeach the long-held energy minister Majid Dunham vote. Dunham long one vote eventually escaped unharmed.

阿肯色州的共和党人杰伊·迪基告诉麦克·麦克拉蒂如果他不投票弹劾我,就会失去在拨款委员会中的席位。Jay Dickey, an Arkansas Republican, told Mack McLarty he might lose his seat on the Appropriations Committee if he didn’t vote to impeach me.

克林顿还侥幸渡过了共和党随后对他的弹劾企图,与此同时共和党在接下来的众议院选举中丢失了席位。Mr Clinton also survived the Republicans’ subsequent attempt to impeach him, while the Republicans lost seats in the House at the next election.

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阮若水告诉周武周文要杀了自己,要去检举他,周武说这件事里面有误会,劝她不要这样。RuanRe water tell tempo, novel to kill himself, going to impeach him, tempo, said the matter there are misunderstandings, advised her not to do.

韩国国会议员投票,赞成对卷入政治丑闻的第一位女总统朴槿惠进行弹劾。South Korean lawmakers have voted to impeach President Park Geun-aye, the country's first female leader, who has been embroiled in a political scandal.

克林顿弹劾案反映了美国政治、国家和社会体制中多方面的权力和权利冲突。The attempt to impeach Bill Clinton in 1998-99 reflected complex conflicts of the power and right in American political, governmental, and social systems.

第八十条任何单位和个人均有权对海关及其工作人员的违法、违纪行为进行控告、检举。Article 80 Any entity and individual shall have the right to accuse and impeach the acts of Customs and its personnel that violate the laws and disciplines.

全美国的黑人都知道,弹劾风波是由南方右翼白人一手操办的,他们从来没有为民权问题出过力。Black people all over America knew that the drive to impeach me was being led by right-wing white southerners who had never lifted a finger for civil rights.

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菲律宾方面,曾经保护总统阿罗约夫人,免她受到弹劾的国会领袖,日前在投票中失去议席。The leader of the Philippine congress, who had previously protected President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from attempts to impeach her, was voted out of his seat yesterday.

穆沙拉夫的总统职位在这个选举中不会受到挑战,但如果反对党在议会中赢的三分之二多数,就拥有足够的票数对穆沙拉夫进行弹劾。Mr. Musharraf's presidency is not being contested in this election, but if opposition parties win a two-thirds majority in parliament, they would have enough votes to impeach him.

据美媒报道,近日,伊利诺伊州议会以114票赞成、1票反对的结果,通过了对州长布拉戈耶维奇进行弹劾的议案。此前,该州州长因被控出售联邦参议员一职曾被逮捕。The Illinois House decided recently to impeach Governor Rod Blagojevich with a 114-1 vote after Blagojevich's arrest on charges of selling a vacant senate seat, US media reported.