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但是笨笨不害怕小袋鼠。But Lumpy is not scary.

邮递员大傻鹿看起来挺尽职的……Mailman Lumpy seems to be really duteous.

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旧枕头起了很多瘤子,我就买了一些新的枕头。I bought new pillows because the old ones had become lumpy.

小红兔感冒了传染给大傻鹿,食蚁兽想出了一个办法帮他们杀死病毒。Giggles caught a cold and infected Lumpy. Sniffles got an idea.

健康女性的正常乳腺组织通常是有颗粒状或疙疙瘩瘩的感觉。Normal breast tissue in healthy women often feels lumpy or nodular.

有时纤维囊性变导致乳腺更多的肿块出现。Sometimes, fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast.

大多数卫星是球状光滑的,或者是大块的宇宙岩石。MOST moons are either round and smooth, or lumpy pieces of space rock.

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大傻鹿用尽所有心血去呵护他种出来的超级玉米。Farmer Lumpy proudly protects his giant ear of corn from a hungry crow!

大傻鹿带着超级玉米参加展览,结果超级玉米变成了超级爆米花。Lumpy and his corn represented in the exhibition, but the corn became a popcorn.

大傻鹿做了个简易电话,把自己弄成了聋子。在医生的帮助下,他又能听见了。Lumpy made a phone and made himself deaf. But he heard again with doctor's help.

那天妈妈给我按摩的时候他在我家,所以他见到了我难看的皮肤。He was at our home one evening when Mum was massaging me, so he saw my lumpy skin.

另外恒星周围环绕的布满团块的行星类物质也能阻挡恒星的光芒。In addition, surrounding disks of lumpy planet-formingmaterial can obstruct starlight.

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Brunel说,“对碳指标的需求将是持续增长的,然而供给会是不连续的。”“Demand will be constant and supply is likely to be lumpy and infrequent,” Brunel said.

大傻鹿忘了自己是聋子,制造出巨大的噪音唤起了双重人格的老兵。Lumpy forgot he was deaf, making the world noisy and woke up alternating personality Flippy.

后院是混杂的破旧柚木家具,几块草地和一把拍动状的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

后院是一个放杂物的地方,破旧的柚木家具,块状的碎玻璃,和可以作为打击物的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

她探身点燃了桌子中央锡铁盘上一小块儿蜡迹斑斑的蜡烛头。She leaned forward and lit a lumpy little candle that sat on a tin plate at the center of the table.

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任何众生观众将能够预测每一位可笑,断断续续地享受电影块状的转折。Any sentient viewer will be able to predict every lumpy twist of this ludicrous, fitfully enjoyable movie.

我总是醉心于科学知识的构造,因为看上去它们是那样的块垒分明、厚薄不匀。I have always been interested in the texture of scientific knowledge because it appears to be lumpy and uneven.

因为在智利,咖啡就是雀巢速溶粉末加温水冲出来的液体,令人生厌。For coffee in Chile means a sachet of Nescafe and tepid water producing a lumpy gloop of extraordinary vileness.