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那真是一段令人厌烦的经历。It was a truly repellant experience.

你需要防晒霜和驱蚊剂。You'll need sunscreen and insect repellant.

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我带着许多驱虫剂所以我死不了。I wear lots of bug repellant so I don't die.

我要去擦一些驱蚊剂来抵挡蚊子。I am going to wear some bug repellant to ward off mosquitoes.

也许你们最后会,对这样的研究课题感到反感Now, you might find this sort of project in the end to be repellant.

现在,你可以发现这类目标最后是被排斥的。Now, you might find this sort of project in the end to be repellant.

如果还需要涂抹驱虫霜或者需要化妆,请首先涂抹防晒霜。If insect repellant or makeup is also being worn, apply sunscreen first.

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所以我每天都喷一种“郁闷人群驱逐剂”香水。I personally have a "unhappy people repellant" perfume that I wear daily.

我需要记住后天去商店的时候多买一点防蚊用品。I need to remember to buy more mosquito repellant when I go to the store later today.

而且这具有排斥作用因为演讲者把听众扔在荣誉的光环之外。Then it's repellant because the speaker leaves the audience out of the circle of glory.

第一只鸟吃了这种药剂后就会乱跳飞鸣把其它鸟吓走。The first bird to eat this repellant move about nervously and frightening away the rest.

在那过去的几周里,我全靠有小蜜蜂的驱虫剂以及这个万用膏,我才活了下来。Together with Burt's insect repellant and this Rescue Ointment I survived these past few weeks.

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靠垫是由Sunbrella织物面料是一种具有防水材料,防止发霉也不会褪色。Cushions are made of Sunbrella fabric which is a water repellant material, prevents mildew and it won't fade.

我个人有一瓶日常用的“不开心人群驱散”香水,我建议每个人都应该有。I personally have a "unhappy people repellant " perfume that I wear daily. I suggest everyone else do the same!

要想实现长期的防水保护,只能依靠纳米级防水剂,因为它的最大渗透深度可达5毫米。Long term protection can only be offered by nanometer sized water repellant which can penetrate up to 5 mm into the surface.

爱普生的新模式现在包括油墨剂涂层,减少喷嘴堵塞,以及11880还带有一个新的自动喷嘴清洁系统。Epson's new models now include an ink- repellant coating that reduces nozzle clogging, and the 11880 also comes with a new automatic nozzle cleaning system.

另外,石材防护效果的好坏,与防护剂的质量、施工的工艺和施工人员的素质有很大的关系。In addition, the stone protective effect of good and bad, and repellant quality, construction techniques and the quality of the construction workers have great relationships.

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防风,放水,透气,双层面料,内衬层可随时导出汗液,保持身心清爽!另外,它的重量轻。Windproof, waterproof and breathable membrane with a double PU coating and water repellant finish. The Lyrex inner lining offers good moisture-wicking and lightweight properties.

报道说,这项研究是道格拉斯博士的一部分,但目前他也尚不确定这项研究是否会催生某种类似商业驱蚊剂的东西。Douglas detailed his findings in a "Journal of Medical Entomology" paper. The research is part of his doctoral thesis. He said he was unsure if it will lead to something like a commercial repellant.

他说,虽然具有这方面的潜力,但是同时也要进行更为深入的研究,以确定它对人类皮肤是否安全。"Douglas detailed his findings in a "Journal of Medical Entomology" paper. The research is part of his doctoral thesis. He said he was unsure if it will lead to something like a commercial repellant.