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而且还显得非常对称It's also very symmetrical.

对称的男人围起来更好。And symmetrical men smell better.

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在横剖面上它看起来也是对称的。It also looks symmetrical in profile.

不——那是因为我的脸部左右对称。No – it is because I have a symmetrical face.

在上面按右键来造出一个对称的物品。Right-click on it to create a symmetrical item.

城墙两侧各有一角楼互为对称。Walls of a turret on each side are symmetrical.

巧用对称原理策略。Use symmetrical principle tactics as it happens.

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身材高挑,脸部对称,像漫画里那样的倒三角形身材?Tall, symmetrical face, cartoonish V-shaped body?

树木的干枝,要和根须,相对地表镜像对称的。Branches and Roots, are Image Symmetrical to Earth.

方位词基本上是对称和整齐的。Nouns of locality are basically symmetrical and neat.

大楼的两翼完全对称。The two wings of the building are exactly symmetrical.

两侧髁状突应力分布不对称。And the stress in two side condyles was not symmetrical.

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用波导构成了一个对称的波导五端口结。A symmetrical five-port waveguide junction was developed.

这个旋转对称便于安装。The rotationally symmetrical flange facilitates mounting.

这种新的细胞自动机在对称密码学中有广泛的应用。This novel CCCA is widely used in symmetrical cryptography.

通常卷边应于最少毛边对称。The crimp shall be generally symmetrical with minimal burrs.

我做了一些研究,发现一些很酷的对称图片。I’ve done my research and found some cool symmetrical images.

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因此,墙画虎的两只耳朵高度对称。Thus the two ears in the poster tiger are highly symmetrical.

现在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是对称的。A new house of any size was now almost invariably symmetrical.

它经常重复并且感觉比较对称。It oftentimes repeats and it can be symmetrical in that sense.